Sep 03, 2005 00:13
So my last blog was June 2nd.. So much has happened since then.. First a few days later was my 2nd CHWC which was in New Orleans, I was VERY excited! Well on our way there one of the buses broke down so we were at a truck stop for hours.. we left around 11 that night and got to our school at around 6:30 pm the next day... It was horrible... the whole catholic heart was a horrible week for me so many emotions going through me... I did not like the school or very much my group or site.. Which really made me sad because I love CHWC but it just wasnt right this year... only one thing good came out of it and for that im am extremely happy but otherwise I didnt enjoy this CHWC very much... but anyways, after CHWC I just was hangin out with Jewels, Kyle, Shane and Cathy pretty much everday which was an absolute blast and I ended up going to Pennsylvania with Jewels and Kyle and the very last second which was amazing! 18 hour car ride but it was fun, I had an absolute blast that week at Kyle's gramma's, we cleaned her basement and tried to save some antiques.. and get this... we found a vitrola that was made in 1904.. it was beautiful... that week was the best week of my summer.. then the rest of the summer I hungout with everyone and had an absolute blast, I turned 18 on august 4th..great day and I had my party the next night which was a blast!!! I truly love my friends... Now sadly summer is over.. the best summer yet... now school has started but I have yet to start because I am transfering to wellington and the school board is having a problem with that... and I have started to have feelings for one of my friends... I really never thought I would but I do and I dont know how to deal with it because it is so completly complicated I cant even begin to explain... But all I know is that these feelings seem to be getting stronger day by day and I am planning on telling him soon on how I feel... hopefully things will go well... But for today in specifics Jen came over this mornin at 7:00 cuz freshman were testing and she didnt wanna go to school so we hung out all mornin and Chris came over after school and we hungout till around 3:00 cuz they had to pick up Jen's sis, so after that I took a shower and blew dry/straightened my hair and was waiting for my mom to get home to take me into wellington.. when all of a sudden this horrible storm comes so I had to wait out the storm and I ended up getting to Kyle's around 8:00, we baked a cake, made jello and just hungout and had fun like usual.. my mom picked me up around 11:00 and now im just sitting here bored so thats why I have decided to write in this thing again... Hopefully I will keep it up.. But for today I am done... Goodnight everyone x0x0