Jul 23, 2005 22:20

Ok so thursday cindy came over at like 1 and bethany came ove at like 6 we set up this person tent and 4 girls had to sleep in it. well then around 8ish brandon came over to our tent and me cindy and bee were in it and scared us. then at like 8 30 maybe logan and curtis came and nicole drove us to logans so he could get his tent and we saw ellen conrad and marshall. well on the way back we dropped logan and curtis of at park road so they could get stuff and like they hid it so far up the road it was funny. then we went back to brandons to set up the guys tent and like they didnt know how me and bethany didnt help we watched and went to go find curtis and logan. and like a bunch of stuff happend me and bethany and cindy i guess it was went to go find those guys and we were running like fags cause we didnt want my mom to see us it was so funny and like logan is so funny when hes drunk and also when hes not hes the best and likew we did randomd stuff me and bethany were going to squat and then ppl came over so we didnt and like i dont even remeber things it was good tho i had fun like things jsut happend then ellen bee cindy came back to my house so we could sleep in the 2 person tent haha and it was good we had walkie talkies so we were tlaking to the guys and like something really funny happend that no one knows excpet for the girls and like we died laughing it was funny and we got like a few hours of sleep and we woke up ay 6 and so did the guys it was weird they came over over here and we did nothing then they left then we went to braond for a bit and like yah the guys left to go eat at blue fin and ellen had to go home and then logan brandon and curtios came back to my house and curtis and logan like feel asleep and we went to the beach it was at the beach me cin and bee went to the side part and they attacked me wiht see weed it was so gross and we went trought the run it was so strong but awesome and like a bunch of stuff happened saw some hot guys adn umm well ellen is leaving in 8 days bee is at the chassion reunion i got to work tomrrow and so does cindy and maybe ellen and my b-day is in like 12 days but me and ellen changed it to the 12th so she will be home for it and umm im so bored i dont know what to say im getting my legs waxed again on tursday cant wait it will be fun my cousins and mu uncle ron are coming home soon and like im going to see if he iwll make SQUAD t-shirts wiht our pic on it eh bee and cin that would be amazing haha well im going to go caus eim bored later xox
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