May 13, 2004 21:08
life seems to be fucked do some people stick with it...i know how i do...i have people who i can members who will love me forever..tim who will be there no matter what...but some people dont have what i have and i feel really lucky to have what i have
heather is goin through a shitty not goin to give it all away because i don't knwo if she wants everyone to know about her life...but i feel so bad and i know that she can get through it...she just has to figure out how...i don't have all the answers, i sure wish i did, but sometimes u have to figure things out on ur me i've had to do it with my mother...its tough but if u want things to be fixed u will try ur hardest to do it...and heather i know u can
alright i don't know what else to say~if anyone needs someone to talk to, im here for all of you...forever and ever and ever!