Mar 25, 2003 18:47
~**~shew-i know i haven't updated this lately-but i just haven't really got 2 it-dUh~**~lol~**~n e wayz-2day was ok~**~this mornin i had 2 go 2 'jury duty' LoNg sToRy-well sorta*hehe* we had a tornado drill 2-aww heather-ur skirt**lol**~let me tell ya-pottery wheels r 2 cool-u just sit there and let clay fly all over ya**and then u make somethin*shew i'm weird**lol**~then i got checked out 2 go 2 the orthodonist-he scares me sometimes**then i went and got me a few new shirts and a pink jigger skirt**
**i have had the song 'fishin n the dark' n my head 4 like 2 or 3 dayz-i'm annoyin myself**now that's pretty bad-but i just can't stop**lol**let's c-what else did i do**i dunno**hehe**but i'm gonna go do somethin*i'm a bit bored**~
~**~LeavE mE a LiL LuV~**~