Dec 22, 2003 13:16
Woah I really don't think I have ever went this long w/o giving something?! But anyways I just been way too busy here lately to bother with this ole thing! But I was sitting here & figured what the heck ya know?! Okay there is no way that I can go back allllll the way that I missed so I'll hit the highlights & things!
Lets see Thanksgiving my family came in from Florida so it was the best ever!! I really enjoyed spending the time with my lid'l cousins & my uncle & then my other unlce & his wife & 2 kids came over so we had a blast! & then lets see work shew I love it, but it's keeping me so busy but I'm not complaining at all b/c I love the money & the people I work with one in particular ;)* The Christmas Dance was another thing - we had a blast, everything didn't go as planned but it was still fun! We ended up eating with , it was Me & Sam, Manda & Matt, & Justin & Wendy* But the dance was a total blast, all of us girls * Me, Manda, Gina, Summer, Nicole & Laura danced all night! Even though the guys didn't dance a whole lot it was still the best! Laura & Wes got Knight & Maiden they looked adorable - so Congrats to them<3* School was all good, I failed my Chemistry SOL the first time haha but I retook it! Shew that thing was some hard business! I am so ready for the next semester - I'm looking forward to all new classes! Derek & I have gotten alot closer here lately! I'm really happy about that! I'm loving the snow OMG! Wow it's so pretty I just love it! I just really hope that it snows on Christmas day!=) 'm really ready for Christmas now! We're exchanging gifts w/Manda & her family tomorrow night=)* I can't wait to give her her things! I think I'm gonna take Nicole her's sometime today/tonight! Oh Yeah the A.P. Classes are going on a trip To New York in April - it's the 23-26* I so can not wait for that! It's gonna be tons of fun! Manda's not sure if she's gonna go or not yet, I really hope she does!! Lindsey is going & we're gonna room together & things so we'll have a blast! Bek & Ryan are also going & a few others<3<3* I'm glad that the break started early I was so not complaining, I was so tried of school & the people!! Manda & I haven't got to see each other much since we've been outta school but we'll make time sooon enough! She's still my best Love ya<3=)* Well I know I'm gonna be leaving out so much but this is good enough for now I guess! & I can't forget to mention that I've met *someone but I'm not gonnna say too much, don't wanna jinx(sp) it or anything haha! But what I will say is that he is the absolute best ever - I swear I have never met such a sweeet person ever!=) I hope it works out!<3<3*
If I don't update before Christmas Everyone have a Safe, Happy & Wonderful Christmas<3=)*
Love You All!
God Bless<*
-cause all i want for christmas is - y 0 u -...=)
* {y 0 u } & me goin fishin in the dark, lyin on our backs & counting the stars *=)