- time for somewhat of an update -

Sep 07, 2003 19:22

Again, there's been quite an amount of time inbetween my updates, but I'm just so loaded w/things to do & things that need to be done & so forth & so on! But Lets see alot has went on but again I can't go back through it all. Um Friday we played Gate City there & Me & Manda drove over by ourselves, we ate at Pal's before the game & got there rather early, we sat w/CLF, Nicole, Snail, HeO, Anna, & TIffany we had a blast! Even though we lost the boys played alot better than they did against Twin Srpings but it was GC so I guess it was expected even though I was optimisic about the whole thing! I was just thankful that no one got hurt, although one time I thought Sam did & I was on edge about to go crazy, but he had just gotten the breath knocked out of him & had a leg cramp! I'm just really proud of the boys!! Um School has been going well I guess nothing spectacular, even though I love going every day for one certian reason=)* Picture day was Friday so Manda & I had to help w/that all except for 3rd b/c we couldn't & didn't need to miss History. Ashley McConnell & Whit helped us during 1st block! Yesterday was my dad's company picnic so Manda went w/us! We had fun, we talked to Ricky & Steven most of the time. They're somthing else! Haha! But we left there & I went to Manda's we took a lid'l nap & then got ready & headed out! We talked to a few people, & then let me tell ya something funny, we were driving around & we pulled out at the intersecion & on the other side was a black trailblazer & I told Manda that he waved & it was a hot guy so we turned around to pass him & Manda was lookin up at him & she was like OMG he is hott & then we both looked at him & it was BOBO!! Haha!! But he pulled over so we stopped & talked to him, then we were ran off by the cops & he went back to Coeburn we left Norton about 10:45 b/c there was no one else out, we went thru Coebrun then went to the Double Kwik to talk to her mom & Bobo pulled in there & we sat there & talked to him it 12:30 - it was nice seeing him again & talking to him, he's such a sweetheart~! I took Coach Sanders some Candy Corn Candy friday! Haha!! We got our volleyball uniforms sometime last week, I got number 12 - mainly b/c it was Licia's old number!!=) It's going really well I'm lovin it & we're all close, so that's a plus! We have a scrimmage in Lebanon tomorrow & our First game is Tuesday YAY* I think it's at home, so everyone needs to come & watch!=) Coach Sanders asked Manda & Me to work the JV gate tomorrow but I can't b/c of the scrimmage! But Manda still is going to! Heather & I are gettin closer & closer everyday!!=) She's great! We had a peprally Friday, it was alright I guess haha* The Sophomores won the spirit stick! my lid'l mini Ash, is awesome, by far the greatest haha!! She is so hopeful!! The v-ball team now has to lift weights haha! I enjoy it! I have a question? What do guys cheat haha? I've just never quite understood that one? & I'm not steroetyping all guys I'm just saying some guys, I mean & on a regular basis, if you're not happy dump her? right? haha! Anyways, next topic Matt & I have kinda drifted apart here lately, & in someway I know why? But I don't fully understand it b/c it's not my fault & I have nothing to do w/it! I just wish things could go back to the way things use to be w/us all! I miss those times & Him! It's hard being stuck in the middle of your bestfriend & your favorite cousin! But everything will work out for the best I suppose! Sometimes I think the people misuse the word "slut, whore, etc' there's a huge difference btwn that & a flirt. Just something on my mind! & Everyone's idea of "fun/a good time" is different but just b/c it is different someone shouldn't be judged b/c of that, it doesn't take away how good of a person that person is! Especially when one is your friend & they do different things as you, thats what makes a friendship is differences it woulddn't be fun if you were the exact same! & Another thing, does it hurt a guys's ego that bad to be shot down or does it just piss him off?! Waiting makes love grow stonger, petty(sp) pointless arguments, brings your closer, absence makes the heart grow fonder, so while I'm waiting I know it's only getting better! Being w/o him means that when I am with him I will cherish every single moment & make every second count b/c I know what it's like w/o him! But for now I suppose this is good enough! I just wanna say I have the greatest friends ever & a girl couldn't ask for better! I love you all dearly!

- WHen winter comes in summer & when there's no more forever, thats when I'll stop loving, thats when I'll stop loving you! As long as sunlight lights the sky light of love will be found in these eyes of mine & I will shine that light for you! You're the only one I will ever give this heart to. What I'm trying to say is nothing will change this There will no time that you won't find me there. Cause I will always be there, you will always have my love. When the world doesn't turn anymore, when the stars all decide to stop shining til then I'm gonna love you. Every day of my life!<3!

* ashleigh *=)
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