Mar 16, 2003 17:46
Hid*e well it's been a few days so I figured it was time. I'll start with Thursday well 1st-we just took notes & boring blah blah blah* 2nd Manda & I went w/Josh*A to sell ad's wowo what a trip that was let me tell ya, that boy is something else to say the least. But we had fun none the less. & 3rd- Well Me & Ami Lee played ping pong & talked to Josh*B & Ash*R we had some heated discussions & them lunch came & all those boys came in here & I talked to Matt*R..After Lunch Ash*r & I played ping pong the -whole- entire time & we are improving*!! Then 4th Manda & I checked out w/Traci & Came home & Traci layed in the tanning bed & we went up Chas's then we all went back to school practice was inside b/c it was raining so needless to say it wasn't long at all. But we got our J.V. uniforms =) & Friday well Friday to me felt like a graceful day? Haha* But anyway 1st- Savvy & I worked on our Lab LOL* We have way too much fun doing that! 2nd Me, Manda & JB went to the writing lab so we could each do our pages & guess what? Manda & I ended up doing his? -Haha- oh well* But he did help tho! Then 3rd-I wasn't there at the beginning Mom took me to have my blood taken then we went to Pizza Plus & got some cheessticks then we went back to school & ate some of them & we gave the rest to Matthew*R & He & Brad ate them* Marcus wouldn't let us in the gym* but I still had to take my practice clothes in there* & I just say things are so so so so so funnY* I just sit back & Laugh* But I again left after lunch* 4th-The Mountain Empire lady was there & we were in teams & had to bulid a boat thingy outta just tape & straws and you were timed and then after we were all done she put it in water & strated putting penny's on it & it was to see who's would hold the most & I will proudly say my team won w/114 penny's=. Practice wasn't too bad at all. But after that I came home & didn't do anything I was so tried for some reason? But I was asleep by 10 LOL* Saturday I got up & got ready & went to the field the V scrimmage was at 10 & we won =) We've improved since the last one* Then the J.V. was at 12 we did pretty good, we won that one as well* But some rather interesting things happened after that but anyway. I left finally w/Chas went thru town came home, got ready & went to Bingo LoL* Well there's not much to say there 'cept I got to work w/+CoAcH sAnDeRs+=) After that I came home & Played Pictionary w/Mom,Chas & then Dad & David gosh we had a blast we quit at 2* I got up today at 12 cleaned my room & bathroom..& Few more thigs went on..But thats on that needs to be mentioned on here*
*Things happen for a reason right? Well why don't we always know that reason? & At the time I don't know if it was for the best or not? But I guess if it's suppose to happen it will somehow or another, right? But I'm okay. I have plenty of friends that I love dearly!! But for some reason this one friend is taking a toll on me! But I just say whatever, I guess..! LoL* I'm totally fine, or am I? I'm trying so hard to believe that this is for the best & that this is how it should be & meant to be. & that I am better off w/o. Who knows?
*& another thing, people are so funny these days, they can't even be faithful in the same school with someone*=) I'm just gonna sit back & let what happens, happen, & laugh the whole entire time* B/c it's hilarious* But ya know I kinda like it & enjoy what's going on *Evil Grin*=)
*One last thing, *Victoria* has been on my mind -alot- here lately, I'm planning on calling her later on. I haven't talked to her in SO long* Gosh we've got so much catching up to do. She's honestly -the sweetest- gal I've ever met*!
*n0thin but sweet l0vin*
+aShLeY nIc0Le+