Lonely and Tired

Feb 03, 2005 00:50

*Sigh* This week has really kicked my ass... had a Chem test today that I had no idea what to expect on it and I honestly couldn't tell if you if I got a 50 or a 100.... oh well, we will see in due time. Plus I had a crap load of Bio stuff to study. It's good though, I like to stay busy. Ok enough about school.
Well I'm really happy to know that I won't be alone on Valentine's Day.... I have a hot date on Valentine's Day with 3-4 lovely ladies... Can't wait!! It's so sad, I don't even feel like I have a boyfriend. We never see each other during the week anyway, but I don't know, this fraternity thing sent up red flags for me, like our college lives are kind of going in different directions: as I study my ass off, he goes out and parties. Oh well, I'll spare y'all the rest of my complaining... we'll see what happens this weekend. At least I get to hang out with the girls, YAY!!!!
Ok well that's all I have for now guys, sorry to disappoint you.
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