Nov 18, 2009 10:09

well good morning its 10:00 and i am feeling bloody good. last few days have been amazing went to Guilford clubbing and it was just omg amazing lol. I was talking to my mates about spreading are wings a bit because like we always went around home and its a bit boring know and like need to go further a field so were off to wales to liquid of the 5th till the 7th december. and then were planning a trip to amsterdam before i leave for basic training also i'm sorting what i want to do
for me leavers do i was thinking about hiring out a hall or just booking out a restaurant and then go clubbing afterwards but to behonest i also want just spend a day with the best friend as well take her out shopping somewhere nice or something i don't know yet, even through shes hated my idea of me leaving since the day we met shes stood buy me and i envy her for that so i want to do something speical for her but i'm not sure what that is yet. but my life is on a high have the doctors later but i am gonna get my ass in gear and go running before and try get into the guy even through doc is/ will tell me off sod it i am fed up of just sitting here.

my mission 101 is going well 7 percent complete with 994 days to go i think i am doing pretty well :)

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