Sep 26, 2007 14:30
I'm still alive.Hungry but still alive.heh.
Anyway,my training will finish in 2 days time and I might go back to my hometown next week.Although its still 2 weeks away from Hari Raya but I think I'm just gonna go back and bake cookies and do domestic stuff.Its been a while....I miss my mom's cooking and getting all hype about decorating house and baju raya.haha.
So,I'm going to cramp everyone on my bukak-puasa list to bukak puasa sesame on Friday,Sat and Sun.That would be lusa,tulat,tubeng.(tubeng is Terengganu word, methink)
So Sha,Friday ok tak?I'll call Syim.
I knew he's gonna love Kill All Your Friends,and last night I heard him singing...
"Cause we are all a bunch of animals
That never paid attention in school."
haha.I love my silly hubby.