New Vid

May 11, 2008 19:36

Title: Channel Hopping
Vidder: Ash48
Music: Various TV Theme tunes (12 in all - listed at the end of the vid)
Category: Umm.. crackish self-indulgence.
Spoilers: S3
Length: 4.30
Size: 37mb
Summary: The Boys watch TV
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vidding, spnvid, crack

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Comments 397

winterevanesce May 11 2008, 12:43:52 UTC
Wow! This is such a cool video! I love the way you did this and I think it's genius! The whole dean and sam watching TV and all the tv themes going on was done really nicely. Well done! I really enjoyed this!


ash48 May 11 2008, 13:10:59 UTC
Hey Hun. Thanks so much (again!). You know, I knew I wanted to string a few TV shows together but wasn't sure how and then it came to me about putting them into TVs (as TVs feature quite a lot on the show). I wasn't sure I could actually do that - which was the challenge!

Thanks so much for your feedback. :)


starrylizard May 11 2008, 12:47:11 UTC
I was officially in stitches after "So you think you can dance" and only got progressively more giggly from there. You fucking rock!! You rock so loud I gotta swear about it, that's how much you rock!!!

Downloading!! So totally downloading!! Wheee!

Also, how the heck did you manip the TVs so perfectly, because I just cannot get it to look right in my vid? *puppy eyes*

(Oh and I'm pimping today. Please join and post at The Roadhouse. *grin*)


ash48 May 11 2008, 13:20:10 UTC
Hey starrylizard. Thank you so very much. Hee! SYTYCD was when I started having fun! Thanks so much for you squeeful feedback.

Manipping those TVs just took a lot of patience (and a keen eye from sharvie). Mostly shrinking the overlaying shot, then cropping and centering and sometimes rotating till it fit. I also found this thing called a "4 point garbage matte" (?) which allowed some fine tuning. (This is in FCE) Almost drove me mad! (actually the burning fuse in MI actually did drive me mad!)

Thanks again for your comment. Happy to join "The Roadhouse" - looks cool.


anatsuno May 14 2008, 13:33:08 UTC
that was awesome!


dotfic May 11 2008, 14:30:54 UTC
Oh my god, this is so awesome I HAVE NO WORDS. ♥

I have been wanting to see an SPN vid set to the Odd Couple theme for a few seasons now. All the rest was amazing too, and made me laugh so much. (There was only one theme I couldn't ID -- the gritty cop-show theme, what was that?)

Terrific work. *goes off to rewatch*


ash48 May 12 2008, 10:15:11 UTC
Hey dotfic, thanks so much for your lovely comment (and for the rec!). It was The Odd Couple that really started this off. I didn't think it would be enough for one vid so I decided to put it together with some others. The cop show was (my first TV love) Starsky & Hutch.



ivy03 May 11 2008, 15:58:45 UTC
This was awesome--especially since I just finished watching all four seasons of Starsky and Hutch. I'm going to get meta here for a second, but I love how it does what vids do best--recontextualize. In this case, it shows the blend of genres, and possible influences, in Supernatural by using the visual style and theme music of a bunch of different shows--and relying on the audience to pick up on those cues just from the theme music. In other words, what vidding is meant to be.

(Can I also say, putting in a stripper moment and a black police captain in the Starsky and Hutch section? Kind of awesome.)


ash48 May 12 2008, 10:21:22 UTC
Hey ivy03,

Thank you for your meta on this. \O/ SPN lends itself to so many "styles" of TV shows. I was banking on the audience knowing some of these shows in order for it to work.

Yay! I'm so glad you picked up on the stripper! It was the closest I could get to the exotic dancer Hutch is staring at in the opening sequence. And yep - Hendrickson as Captain Dolby! Just had to do it.

Thanks for your wonderful comment.


ivy03 May 12 2008, 18:02:27 UTC
I think the only reason they put Hutch ogling an exotic dancer in the credits was to establish his heterosexuality since the other clips in the credits included Starsky and Hutch as very flaming hair dressers, Starsky "dipping" Hutch, and of course ending with Starsky being blown into Hutch's arms. Gayest. Credits. Ever.


ash48 May 13 2008, 09:51:32 UTC
Oh yes, yes! and the shot after him watching the dancer is Starsky blowing in his face! I did love 'em!


musesfool May 11 2008, 17:31:14 UTC
Oh, that's awesome, especially the Odd Couple bit, because I've wanted someone to do that for ages. Also the Mission Impossible one. Hee!


ash48 May 12 2008, 10:22:56 UTC
Thank you so much. The Odd Couple was how this all began actually - I was playing with that show as a stand alone vid, but didn't think it would be enough. So glad you liked it. :D


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