It's September 1st... :(

Sep 01, 2010 19:15

I know I was just celebrating the fact that it's September (in my last post), but September 1st also means that SVS is about to disappear and it still brings a friggin' tear to my eye. I'm not sure why I've been so emotional about it. I mean the people won't go away and neither will the vids. I've decided it's because I'm a stupid sentimentalist ( Read more... )


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Comments 4

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ash48 September 1 2010, 14:40:05 UTC
I visited earlier and saw all those forum posts just..... gone. It's what prompted this post... just... :(

But it's good to know those threads will be open for a bit. There's a comment I've been meaning to snag. (Not often you get a comments that's a full page! *g*)

Thanks honey.


greenpear September 3 2010, 03:47:33 UTC
Thanx. Even though it looks a little SPN heavy I think I'll be able to find some other Doctor Who fans... :)


ash48 September 3 2010, 12:57:06 UTC
Yes. It will be SPN heavy (seeing as how it's come out of an SPN vidding community), but I think it's a great opportunity for other fandom vidders to get involved.

Hope to see your vids posted there. :)



greenpear September 3 2010, 12:58:54 UTC
ust signed up last night and figure I'll be posting the one I started yesterday. Probably won't post any old ones, just new material...


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