
Aug 29, 2010 18:53

IF... I was contemplating a kind of homage to bromance in television vid who should I include? I'm narrowing it down to TV bromance only. But any era ( Read more... )

bromance vid idea

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Comments 46

the_muppet August 29 2010, 10:59:38 UTC
Merlin & Arthur =)


ash48 August 29 2010, 11:05:08 UTC
DOH! I knew I'd miss some obvious ones...

Thanks... (that's why I thought I better ask oh wise flist!)


missyjack August 29 2010, 11:12:21 UTC
Great list!

Obv some Kirk and Spock, Turk and JD (Scrubs - i mean they even sang about it : Guy Love, Alan Shore and Denny Crane (Boston Legal - they shared a bed and ended up married!), Shawn and Gus (Psych), House and Wilson (House), Barney and Marshall (HIMYM), Leonard and Sheldon (Big Bang Theory), Jack adn Tony Almeda (24), Joey and Chandler (Friends), Frank Pembleton and Tim Baylis *hearts* (Homicide: Life on the streets), Blacke and Avon (Blakes 7), Hannibal Heyes and Kid Curry (Alias Smith and Jones) Chuck and Morgan (Chuck), Vince and E (Entourage) ...and well that's just a few I thought of ;D


ash48 August 29 2010, 12:09:49 UTC
OMG! See now I figure I've bitten off more than I can chew...

Kirk and Spock - I should have thought of that one.*g* And my god! Blake and Avon - now THAT brings back some memories. <333 Other than that, Chuck and Morgan are the only other ones I really know.. /o\

And a bromance ended in a shared bed and marriage?

Looks like I'm missing out on stuff.

Thanks hun. This is a great list! <333


missyjack August 29 2010, 12:20:42 UTC
Oh the Alan and Denny (played by James Spader and William Shatner) relationship was just wonderful, and like the JD and Turk on in Scrubs was upfront about the bromance.

And Blake and Avon - well I suppose that was a bit more complex than just a romance wasn't it ;D


devon99 August 29 2010, 11:47:21 UTC
Charlie & Don Eppes - Numb3rs

*points at icon*


ash48 August 29 2010, 12:11:24 UTC
Oh boys!! Why didn't I think of that one. :D :D Thanks honey.


redteekal August 29 2010, 12:11:35 UTC
Fraser and Ray - Due South, house and wilson, o'neill and jackson (sg1), clark and lex s1 & 2 sv, dexter and his brother s1, bernard and manny black books.


ash48 August 29 2010, 14:17:25 UTC
Of course... Clark and Lex! And yay! Manny and Bernard... oh I love those 2.

I've never really watched House. I had no idea that House and Wilson we bromance material. MJ mentioned them as well. I suspected there would be SG1 potential - but again, not a show I have watched,

Thanks hun.


greenpear August 29 2010, 12:13:41 UTC
Wait a minute!

You doing a non-Supernatural vid!

I'm telling mom!!!


ash48 August 29 2010, 14:19:32 UTC
HA!!! :D :D

And, it isn't done yet. And looking at this list it may never be...

There's no way I'd be able to get all this material,

Love learning about them all though and actually it's a vid I love to try.


greenpear August 29 2010, 14:24:57 UTC
You're not allowed to give up. Cause I'm working (again) on the 'Life on Poosh' vid. So you have to work on that one. :) :)


ash48 August 30 2010, 07:03:56 UTC
I keep getting more and more suggestions, so I have no idea how to put them all in.... I might have to take a vote or something...

That's when I finish the 3 I'm working on at the moment...



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