
Aug 29, 2010 07:34

Bidding ends for help_pakistan tomorrow. *heffa hugs* for those who have bid. Thank you. :)

I am so mainlining White Collar at the moment. Trying to cram in as many episodes as I can to catch up. Really loving it. I'm a sucker for the bro!mance. Can anyone rec me some White Collar vids? I don't care about being spoiled for future episodes. In fact, I like to know what's coming up. :)

And. OMG! It's here! MIchael (BadAtom) has made another Stupornatural and it's friggin' hilarious! So many terrific observations from the show - not only of the actors and characters, but also camera work. (I want to squee about my favourite bits but don't wanna spoil you *g*).

image Click to view

Make sure you go and give him some feedback. This must take a tremendous amount of work.

stupornatural, stuff, vid rec, tv

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