Where would I be....

Jul 20, 2010 20:30

We need a beta appreciation day.

Just saying.

*hugs* my betas.



love this idea )

pimp, thanks

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Comments 17

feather_touch July 20 2010, 12:41:10 UTC
I love your idea of beta appreciation day! or week or month! And I signed up for that *points up*


ash48 July 20 2010, 12:52:41 UTC
Yeah. Betas are worth their weight in gold I reckon. Sometimes a little unsung...

Might ponder a way to share some love. <3

Reverse BB could be such a lot for fun. And 5,000 words is doable I reckon. (Not that I know anything about writing! *g*)



greenpear July 20 2010, 13:05:15 UTC
I see the use of betas at times, even with my mash-ups. My beta is a friend I see for coffee each week. Unfortunately I sometimes finish them before I see her. But I often talk to her on the phone and get opinions on certain parts.


ash48 July 20 2010, 14:06:53 UTC
But I often talk to her on the phone and get opinions on certain parts.

See, I think this is such a great thing. For me, it might not even be the "this bit isn't working as well as it could" advice, but the whole chatting and brainstorming thing as well.

It's just the connecting that I love. Also, I have betas that have great ideas too... :D


dotfic July 20 2010, 15:32:30 UTC
We do! *draws hearts all over betas*

I am not signing up for that challenge, just so you know. I'm not!


ash48 July 20 2010, 23:00:24 UTC
Of course you're not honey *nods*. I mean, it is only 5,000 words and you know there's going to be lots of wonderful art to inspire the muse...

But still...



mithborien July 20 2010, 15:58:13 UTC
Ooh, I am totally signing up for spn_reversebang. It sounds awesome so thanks for bringing it to my attention otherwise I probably would have missed it.


ash48 July 20 2010, 23:01:11 UTC
Yay! Glad you found it and signed up! :D


ancastar July 20 2010, 16:02:20 UTC
I signed up. Have you signed up?



ash48 July 20 2010, 23:04:20 UTC
Hee. Um... no. I'd like to but I'm worried about getting a vid ready on time (or what on earth I would vid).

(Though I made an AU vid once that I would love to have seen a story written to. But I'm sure they wouldn't take old work).



ancastar July 20 2010, 23:09:44 UTC
psst...don't tell them.



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