Look look look....

Jul 18, 2010 16:23

*bounces* Look what greanpear made for me! \o/

On my birthday I received an email from greenpear telling me I could choose a show and a show opening that I'd like to see as a gift. He thought I would pick Supernatural, so just to prove him wrong *g* I picked Leverage (yay!) and suggested my Mission Impossible might be fun to work with.

And here it is! And it's GREAT! I love it. Hee! And it's called Mission Implausible. *chuckle*

image Click to view

If you'd like to leave him some love you can visit his LJ HERE

greenpear specialises in TV Mash ups. He's a wiz on Final Cut and does some super cool TV style openings to a variety of TV shows. To check out his other stuff he has a website that's worth a visit: Mashups

leverage, vid rec

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