BB fic recs

Jul 09, 2010 10:24

I just gotta rec this..

If you enjoy good old fashion Supernatural casefics then you should check out Cross Creek by zoemathemata I started it and could not put it down. It has everything you need (well, everything I enjoy) in a casefic - intrigue, suspense, creepy goodness, two fabulous OC's, Sam and Dean as we see them in the show (and yay S2 S&D!) AND a spooky maze.. I mean really? What more could you want. :)

I left a rather lengthy comment and I got to wondering if there's protocol or some sort of etiquette in leaving spoilers for the fic in the comment? I am sometimes guilty of glancing through the comments before reading a fic and I often spoil myself by doing so. (yeah, yeah I know - don't go snooping but I can't help myself sometimes!). So I'm wondering if it's best to try and be spoiler free when commenting in consideration to others? Or not care - which is basically what I did. I left massive spoilers in fact. /o\

And also...

If you have a *koff* slave kink (like me *g*) you could well enjoy Things We Can't Untie" by astrangerfate. She says "more porn than plot", but I found it quite plotty. I really like the universe and scenario she's created here.

Yay for holidays and actual reading time...\o/

fic rec

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