New vid: In Te Domine

Jun 26, 2010 18:48

This is my ao3vidders auction vid. It's for my winning bidder yourlibrarian

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vidding, auction, spnvid

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ash48 June 26 2010, 12:32:26 UTC
Oh wow honey! This feedback is amazing and truly appreciated. Thank you so much. <33

I'm so thrilled you enjoyed this one. You know I've been angsting over it. Your earlier feedback helped me feel more positive about it. <33

Thanks again *reads comment over and over*

*heffa smish*


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ash48 June 26 2010, 13:15:02 UTC
I did mean to say:

First of all: *hugs yourlibrarian* for giving you this song.

Yes. I was very lucky with the song choice. It ended up being great to work with. Though I admit (rather embarrassingly) that I never knew how religious this song was until I investigated it.

and also:

After Castiel had been nothing to you but a glitch in Sam and Dean’s relationship…*g*)

Hee! You see right through me! <3


yourlibrarian June 26 2010, 13:59:46 UTC
This really is Castiel’s story from the inside.

Butting in to say that I like this observation so much. That was exactly my motivation in wanting this and I would be sorry about how it made ash wibble to do it, except that she's obviously perfectly capable of it!


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