SPN Fan Vid - Our Time is Running Out

Nov 28, 2007 18:57

New vid. Yes, I did take a break (shut up 2 weeks is a break!)

Title: Our Time is Running Out
Vidder: Ash
Music: Time is Running Out
Artist: Muse
Spoilers: Season 3
Length: 2.42
Size: 20mb
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Comment: Dean is dying, but then so is Sam

There's a lot I would like to say about this vid, but I won't - I'll let you be the judge. I have wanted to vid to this song for ages, but could never find the story. It's a somewhat meta!character vid. My first attempt at this sort of thing.

Many thanks to Dalyn03 for the initial brainstorming session. It was wonderful to be able bounce my thoughts around with another vidder. She also made some wonderful suggestions which I have used in the vid.

As usual I can't find words to thank my wonderful beta _sharvie_. The time and thought she put into this vid blew me away. It was also great fun talking meta with her. Thanks hun - you add another layer to my vidding experience.

No money made, but comments gratefully accepted.


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