Just some stuff...

Mar 25, 2010 22:30


to the gorgeous (and I mean it!) ancastar *hugs* honey and I hope you have a wonderful day.

and to the fabulous (and I mean that too!) tiggeratl1, I hope you have a fabjoyous day.

*hugs* gals!! <33333 ( Read more... )


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Comments 13

callme_k March 25 2010, 14:40:17 UTC
In the expectation that your collab vid is going to floor me, that is where you shall find me....waiting for it to be posted!:P

Good luck to your daughter, I hope she makes the 11 chosen.

And YAY, show!!!\o/ That hiatus did feel especially long.


ash48 March 25 2010, 14:50:00 UTC
Hee! It kinda floors me... (and I can say that 'cause it's machain's stuff that has me on the ground - in a jaw dropping kind of way...:D.)

And thanks re Ash (my daughter) ... I had no idea this was all going to be so nerve wracking. The next 2 weeks will be a great experience even if she doesn't make the team... (that's what I'm telling her anyway... :D)


Hee! icon... :)


ancastar March 25 2010, 15:00:01 UTC
New episode, new Ash vid upcoming and birthday wishes?

::thuds dead to the floor::

My day is complete! :-D

Thanks, sweetie!!!


ash48 March 25 2010, 15:04:16 UTC
Hee!! :D :D

*huggles*... hope you have a great day... :D :D


(The comment has been removed)

ash48 March 25 2010, 22:44:25 UTC
Thanks so much hun! It is very exciting. Even if she doesn't make it she has 2 weeks of specialist training and mini comps, which she'll love.

and oh my! The vid. Honestly it feels like it's been coming for ages. But we want to get it right, so lots (and lots) of tweaking. Plus is so damn fiddly.

Thanks for popping in honey. :)


greenpear March 25 2010, 17:11:30 UTC
Hope I get that kind of a birthday hurray. :)

I go through this kind of jonesing every year also but I only get 13 episodes of Who during the year...


ash48 March 25 2010, 22:47:01 UTC
Hope I get that kind of a birthday hurray. :)

I'm usually hopeless at getting my birthday hurrays out. I'll be sure to throw some confetti when it's yours!! D

Only 13.... Thank god SPN has 22. Any sort of break we have is agonising. (I did mentioned I'm addicted yeah??!)



greenpear March 25 2010, 22:56:25 UTC
Remember how many fandoms I hang around with cause of my vidding. Most people have a certain amount of "groaning" when their show goes away for a while.

BTW, I did another MacGyver vid. I know. That makes five and counting...


ash48 March 25 2010, 23:00:17 UTC
Oh you did??? I'll have to check it out. I've had my head buried these last few weeks...

Did you get some good response to your SPN one??


tiggeratl1 March 27 2010, 04:00:16 UTC
*squeee* I just found this hun. *blush* Thanks so much for the lovely birthday wishes!! *smish* It was fabjoyous, espscially with the gift of a new spn eppy and the promise of a ash/maichan vid soon!! *more squee*

psst, fingers crossed for your daughter hun!!


ash48 March 27 2010, 07:04:06 UTC
Yay! That's great to hear...

Vid is soooooooo close. Just working through some exporting issues. Hopefully be up today. :)

Thanks for the crossed fingers. It's going to be a nerve wracking 2 weeks.



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