Popping by to say hi and stuff..

Mar 21, 2010 21:48

maichan808 is a star and I really have no words. I can't WAIT to show you the work we have been doing on our collaborative vid - mainly because her stuff is so cool. It makes me just dance with glee. She is such a professional and her work is masterful. Really. I have learned so much. :D

In between vid making this weekend I been have been an Athletics Mum. My daughter picked up 2 bronze medals in the Little Athletics State Championships - one for javelin and one for shot put. So yeah, proud mum. We have to wait now to find out if she's made the National Team. It's unlikely, but she is up there with a slim chance. If so, it's off to Queensland in 3 weeks!

Show Talk

It's less than a week until MY SHOW RETURNS!! \o/ (it is, isn' it??!!!) I have missed you show. I really have. I would have loved to have had the time to make a vid leading up to the return. Like a promo. I was listening to a Muse song today. And this....

They will not force us
They will stop degrading us
They will not control us
We will be victorious

Oh yay baby! I can so SEE this vid. But, alas.. no time, so I will just have to imagine it. (unless there's a vidder out there... *koff*...)

Season Five reflections: (because I need to talk show...)

Favourite episodes so far:

The End Possible all time favourite. (Though "What Is and Should Never Be" is still right up there). Best Jensen performance to date for me. And best directing. Great episode.

Song Remains The Same The actors they cast to play John and Mary were spot on. And Jared's look when he sees them? Priceless. And Dean's protectiveness of Sam? - melts me every time. And Sam got to die AGAIN. What's that now? 3 times now?? 4? Surely that has to have some impact on our poor boy... (though do we count all the time Dean died in Mystery Spot.?)

My Bloody Valentine Thrilled they made no reference to Jensen's movie. Loved this for all the thinky thoughts it produced. Loved the angst and the return to Sam's blood addiction.

Least favourite

Hmm... Toss up between The Real Ghost Busters and Swap Meat. (Really? Dean would prefer that guy over Sam?? Raised my hackles it did! Still does!!)

Favourite Angst:

Torn between Dean listening to his brother's pleas for help at then end of MBV or his prayer for help to God after theat. Both together I think. Oh and Jo and Ellen's deaths. :((((

Biggest change of heart:

Hated it when it was revealed that Sam was Lu's vessel. But it makes sense I and can see that it's kinda the whole point... but at the time I was not thrilled.


Sam playing poker - 'cause *guh*
Changing Channels - that's just because... you know.. :)
Every time Sam was restrained in some way (Oh come on, I have to enjoy my kink when I can..)
Sam and Dean returning to each other (epic love!)
The Sam 'n Dean montage in "Free to Be You and Me"(best montage ever!)

There are lots more but those ones are off the top of my head. Yours??

Hopes for the future...

I don't speculate a lot or "hope" things pan out in a certain way. I'm along for the ride and I mostly just trust.. but if I had to pick something I would like to see the Supernatural books and our resident Prophet actually mean something. I want the end to be clever and something that finalises this arc. And I have no problem with simple. (I loved that John's "secret" to Dean was to kill Sam. Seemed so small and simple at the time but really...??? Powerful stuff). So BRING IT show! I'm ready!

Is it Thursday (well, Friday for me) yet!!??

Feel free to share yours if you are in the mood... :D :D


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