Hello. My name is Ash (well, Sarah actually) and I'm a vidaholic. It's been FIVE days since I made a vid and better still FIVE days since I've even THOUGHT about making a vid. And probably many many more before I start a new one. YAY!
I checked tonight and I posted my first vid April this year. I've made 16 vids in 6 months and for the first time since then I haven't even opened my vid program. It's kinda liberating and has meant doing things I SHOULD be doing - like school reports (eek) - instead of vidding.
I'm not sure why, but I felt like I needed to share that.
Also, I am quite amused that my last vid
Batman and Boy Blunder has been linked (via YouTube) to various blogs and SPN sites etc in Japan. Is that usual? I don't know why but it tickles me for some reason. I quite like the idea (and it's probably because of my age!) that something I can make in my study in Perth can be watched around the world. And yes, before I discovered LJ, I did lead a fairly closeted (in terms of the internet and um other things - fic! you have corrupted me!) life.
I have to say I have been doing little happy dances at the reaction that vid received. It's possibly the best I've had from a vid (other than Five-O). And even though I know it's nothing like many vidders receive it has made me ridiculously joyful. (yep! it's the simple things).
It's strange though, a vid I made early on that received next to no reaction (Power of Two) is still one of my personal favourites. So, I know it's not reaction alone that makes vidding the joy it is.
Also, how does one keep up with everything that goes on here? The Newsletter was just busting with stuff, let alone friend posts etc. I feel time deprived. Or maybe there's a secret I haven't discovered yet?