Dare I ask the question?

Apr 12, 2016 14:34

Dare I ask a question about Sam Winchester? (I think I do *g*)

So. Each time I see Sam described as "whiny and selfish" (which is rather often) it makes me think about actual moments in the show when he IS whiny and selfish. It makes me wonder what exactly Sam has done to deserve that description time and time again? Surely it must be a consistent characterisation to warrant that label.

The difficulty I have is that I've have never considered Sam either whiny or selfish. That's not to say he isn't (clearly he must be to have a label that sticks so firmly) it's just not something that matches with the Sam I see.

I suspect that the label might have come about initially because in season one Sam wanted to stay in college and not stay with Dean and hunt. Perhaps he came across as ungrateful to Dean (particularly in Asylum). He also went off to look for John when Dean wanted him to wait (Scarecrow). Maybe when he fought with John in Dead Man's Blood it could be considered whiny?

Perhaps in S4 when he turned to Ruby after Dean's dead it was considered selfish because he started to enjoy the power he was beginning to feel? Maybe in early S8 when he thought Dean was dead and didn't go looking for him? Perhaps his insistence that they think about the victims could be seem as whiny. Maybe his aftermath of the S9 possession contributed to it too?

I don't buy any of those myself, but maybe they are some of the examples people think of when thinking of Sam in that light (and yeah, I know some people will "hate" on Sam no matter what, but I'm not really thinking of those people - though maybe it's only a small group that do actually consider Sam selfish and whiny?).

*shrugs* I really struggle to understand why that label continues to stick (especially after so many selfless acts). I know Sam is flawed (as is Dean), but selfish and whiny just doesn't gel with my Sam.

sam winchester, question, discussion

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