Supernatural Season 8 Motels Part One.

Apr 11, 2016 22:06

Motel update! Huge thanks to galwithglasses for her wonderful help. <3

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geekery, motels, s8 musings

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Comments 10

amberdreams April 11 2016, 15:00:29 UTC
Oh gross! I never noticed the sheep feet before! Yuck! I'm so glad nowhere I stayed on my little trip to the US had anything like this...LOL!

And yup, we'd all have to stay in the Vancouver City so we could run around the car park shouting ASTRONAUT!

Oh I nearly forgot - I wonder if the striped lighting in the civil war one is deliberate too. Not only a cage motif but hinting at the US flag?


ash48 April 12 2016, 03:38:29 UTC
Aren't those feet gross?! And I have to give full credit to galwithglasses and spotting those. :)

I wonder if the striped lighting in the civil war one is deliberate too. Not only a cage motif but hinting at the US flag?

I would say absolutely. The whole episode is full of imagery (lighting and set) to the civil war and the US flag. :)


madebyme_x April 11 2016, 15:14:23 UTC
I love these posts so much, especially all the trivia about set pieces etc - you're so observant!!! *dashes off to part 2*


ash48 April 12 2016, 03:39:18 UTC
Thank you! I do get a kick out of seeing stuff used again and looking for the ways they play with the theme of the episode in their sets. :))


hugemind April 11 2016, 16:21:40 UTC
I was happily unaware of the sheep feet before this. O.o

I want to add to the trivia since you've collecting it here. :) The boat painting above Dean's bed in 8x01 and again in 8x07 was also in 5x12 (seen toward the end of the ep, esp. after Sam's back to himself), and both 8x01 boat paintings are in the house in 10x19.


ash48 April 12 2016, 03:41:06 UTC
I was happily unaware of the sheep feet before this. O.o

I know! I'm sorry about that...(though I can blame galwithglasses because she spotted them ages ago and mentioned them to me when she beta'd the post. :)

And thanks for the added trivia! I will add some updates. :)


marciaelena April 11 2016, 16:50:50 UTC
I love your motel posts, always so detailed and informative and fun. I don't think I'd have the patience to compile even one of these.

'Arroyo' sounds Spanish to me, so maybe that's where the word comes from?


ash48 April 13 2016, 09:40:25 UTC
Thank you! Hee, I sometimes wonder where I get the patience from too. I do enjoy investigating them and I love the work they put into their sets.

Hmmm, it could be Spanish. It's such an unusual name for one of their motels - I'd love to know why they chose it.


boggiecat April 14 2016, 06:57:18 UTC
Love these posts and feel bad ive read and absorbed but not commented in past. Sorry.
Sheephoof!coathangers! Now why dont amazon sell them i wonder? So gross yet great to see the attention to detail from the set dressers. Now theres a great job... trawling shops for nicknacks for show. In my dreams.
I totally think you are right about purgatory with the leaves and dim greeness ...dean must have hated that room although then again he kinda felt at peace at last there didn't he.
And the paradise... so bright and colourful. Offstting the dark of the ep.
You do a fab job with these. Thanks so much ash.
Boggie xxx


ash48 April 14 2016, 10:31:46 UTC
Thanks so much! I'm so glad you enjoy them. I enjoy putting them together - finding all the geeky things. :))


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