11.04 reaction/review

Oct 29, 2015 22:16

It's pretty scary going into an ep that has had SO much hype surrounding it. I was pretty excited for this one, but also apprehensive because I really didn't want to be disappointed. I had a "picture" of what it was going to be like and, I'm happy to say, it didn't disappoint.

In fact, I got a lot more than I had imagined. :D

I knew it was going to be fan-servicy (Robbie Thompson & an episode name called "Baby" kinda gave that away), but I am not complaining. Honestly, give me fan service any day if it means getting (nearly) an entire episode of Sam and Dean. <3

Also, any episode that decides to take the POV of a vehicle I'm going to be pretty happy about. In terms of technicality it's bloody fascinating. I think they pulled off the cinematic aspect of that really well. It would have been a huge challenge. Kudos to Thomas J Wright for the direction. The editing also has to be mentioned because I have a feeling there would have been a variety of angles to sift through.

But really? It was all the lovely SamnDean moments that were the real treasures. I thought the first half was the strongest because it felt like a "day in the life of". I was kinda hoping it might have continued like that (a bit like Weekend at Bobby's, where we got a snap shot of Bobby's life), but it veered off to a mix of myth arc and MoTW. Again, I'm not complaining about that because a) I love MoTWs and b) it gave us a little more about the Big Bad and we got to see a Sam vision. :)

Things this episode made me realise I had been missing:

1. Bobby. Cas taking on the Bobby role made me really notice how much I miss that "voice" on the other end. I'm not sure if they are planning for Cas to take on that role this season, but it really made it noticable how big the gap is that Bobby left (*handwaves* that Cas wasn't well enough to zap over to the boys to help them out. It's a constant issue but, whatever).

2. A genuine smile from Sam. Yeah, feels like it's been ages.

3. Big brother!Dean. I suppose it's no secret how much I love Dean as "big brother". And I don't just mean as someone who cares for Sam, but the Dean who is proud of Sam when he "scores" (as though it's something he's taught him) and how he has this back-handed way of putting Sam's fears to rest.

During the wonderful "chat before bedtime" scene, I initially thought that Dean was dismissing Sam's concerns about his visions. It felt like he might have been shutting him down. But it was also really reminiscent of when Sam used to voice his concerns to Dean in the past. I don't feel that he was shutting him down, but rather trying to reassure him. "It'll be ok". It made me think of all the times Dean would have tried to help Sam feel safe when they were young. It's also Dean's way of assuring himself that things will be ok. Especially when it comes to Sam. Sure, too much has gone on since then for that to be really believable but as this episode was trying to capture everything we "remember" of the brothers, I thought it was spot on characterisation.

Other notables:

It seemed to me Robbie sat down with a list of things he wanted to included in the episode that he knew fans have been missing or were crying out for: car washing, hook ups (though I'm not sure exactly how many fans were calling out for that), bitch/jerk, BMs, John, boys talking about their childhood, "he ain't heavy" leaning on each other moment, geeky Sam, food, sleeping in the Impala, sex in the back of the Impala, badass (and sometimes hilarious) Dean and being on the open road. He got it all in (except for a gratuitous shirtless scene! AND they had the perfect opportunity! Who else was hoping Sam would pop up from the back seat?! ;D).

The convenient "get outs" when Dean was captured were, um, convenient and made me eye roll initially. But, dammit, the show is called "Supernatural" so why can't we have some supernaturally convenient escape tools?! I also like the idea that the car somehow assists the boys in their adventures and the fact that she managed to hold onto objects that helped Dean escape is kind of awesome. In other words…*HANDWAVE*.

I was totally unspoiled for young!John. That was a lovely surprise (though damn, imagine if that had been JDM!?!).

Sam's vision was highly curious and I like that we don't know who that is yet. At first I thought it was Lucifer, but that doesn't seem likely. Maybe it's God, but that would be weird also. So a nice little mystery.

I had the feeling we are supposed to believe Dean had told Sam about his connection to the darkness? They talked as though it had been mentioned? Or is Dean still keeping that one to himself?

I am SO relieved Sam told Dean about the infection from 11.02 and even MORE RELIEVED that Dean showed concern about that, but he wasn't pissed. Sam has no more secrets. Praise the heavens!

Probably my biggest head scratch of the ep was "the Darkness is coming". Um, I thought it was here already? I thought Sam and Dean released it and it had already arrived. Or is Amara growing up the Darkness "arriving"? So the black stuff was the infection but not the Darkness?? I am confused about that.

But mostly…*happy sigh*. The boys chatting in the car and then sleeping was like putting on comfy slippers. Sam being happy but still asking about a normal life was bitter sweet. Dean finding his humour and love for hunting was wonderfully refreshing.

The boys being beaten to shit along with their beloved car was poetic - possibly my fave thing. Or maybe it was Sam referring to the car as "home". I dunno - there was a lot to love. By no means perfect, but probably as close to a "day in the life of" as we are going to get. And we'll probably never get that much thoughtful dialogue between them again, so I'll be re-watching for that reason alone.

I also feel (and hope!) this is a reset on their relationship. A time to move on from the past crap that they've been made to carry. It's the most in-tune I've seen them in - well, years. I hope it lasts (lols quietly to self).

5 = Awesome! OMG! \o/ to 1 = Nope *sadface*
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