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Comments 37

sleepypercy October 24 2015, 02:58:20 UTC
I feel really similar! The episode was overall un-engaging - I don't hate angels, but right now I'm not interested in them. I spent most of the episode trying to focus on camerawork because the plot was pretty slow.

Granted, little girl!Amara and Crowley had fun interactions. I'm not 100% sure about that mirror moment? But the little actress really did do a great job.

But also! Seriously! Dean already *knows* that Sam will do anything to keep Dean alive and safe, and Sam knows the Sam for Dean. Dean shouldn't be surprised, and how does he NOT remember that he'd do the exact same thing if he had been in Sam's place??

I think my fav moment was the no-look bag toss, when Dean grabbed that witch's purse and threw it to Sam from behind his back. Jensen was SUPER proud of that on twitter :D


ash48 October 24 2015, 04:36:46 UTC
Dean shouldn't be surprised, and how does he NOT remember that he'd do the exact same thing if he had been in Sam's place??

It's one of the things I've never understood. Same for knowing how the other would feel if one of them actually died. They are so connected by this trait they both share. Instead of "how could you do that?" it could now be "I totally understand why you did that".

And YES! The bag toss was awesome!


ruby_jelly October 24 2015, 06:15:42 UTC
I was hoping you'd give me a reason to watch the ep! I started, and got sick of it pretty quick, so wandered over here to get motivated. lol :)
So, suppose I should go back and watch for the bag toss! Pretty poor reason, but. Oh, well....


ash48 October 24 2015, 06:38:07 UTC
Bag toss is great! As is Dean's wonderful wink and smile. Just go to tumblr for the numerous gifs that must exist if you don't want to watch the ep. :)


amberdreams October 24 2015, 06:33:11 UTC
I actually didn't think Dean was pissed with Sam about the Rowena deal thing. The overwhelming impression I got from both boys was borderline apathy. Any emotion expressed by either of them came across as going through the motions - like each of them is reaching for the ability to feel something, anything - and largely failing.

I thought the sense of disconnect between them (and between them and the rest of the world) was much stronger in this episode than the previous two, and then I started wondering if that was because they filmed this one first.

I could be totally wrong and this is not what the show intends, but it's certainly what I got from it.


ash48 October 24 2015, 06:43:46 UTC
I actually didn't think Dean was pissed with Sam about the Rowena deal thing.

Oh you don't? That's probably good then. I thought Dean's look to Sam was quite pointed, but you could be right. I'll have to take another look.

Um, yeah - I was struggling to feel much from either of them in this one. It could be because it was the first episode filmed. The disconnect is still so strong - even after they've been saying they are working together to fight a common goal this season. Which might yet happen. I'm hoping the next ep is the beginning of a new direction. We'll see.

I'd also be sure that the Js might just be sick of the secret stuff as much as we are. I saw one of them tweet about stopping the secrets. In their case glass houses and stones come to mind. Neither of them should be calling the other out of their sacrificing actions (unless its to start a real conversation about addressing them).


amberdreams October 24 2015, 06:48:52 UTC
I've only watched it once so far, but that was what I came out of it with - total disconnect and weariness. Like you, I wasn't interested in the sub plots, though the bar scene was amusing (and I'm sure heavily influenced by Good Omens!).

Having been spoiled to a certain extent about next week's epi, I too am hoping it will be better!


ash48 October 24 2015, 07:01:03 UTC
total disconnect and weariness.

They've been through so much. Maybe they think that by this stage Sam and Dean would be sick of it all. Hopefully it's not the Js getting sick of the characters (which I can't bear to think about).

*fingers crossed* for next ep. I'm worried about getting my hopes up too high.


sam_dean_lover October 24 2015, 10:33:37 UTC
hi ash, i agree, im just gonna add scenes that pissed me off if that's ok, 1.Sam, Dean Rowena in the bunker, *Sam, go catch that virus (i mean Cas....), i want to have a chat with the witch,
2 seconds later *Dean, the virus has fled the bunker, let's go get it.
3. Sam left the room for Dean to chat with the Rowena,
4..Sam Dean Rowena in baby, everything in that scene 5. the *I deserved to get hit because i nearly beat the shit out of you Cas*.. i dont know, about next week im really worried :( i will wait til see what you thought of it and then i'll watch. long comment i know, my grade of this ep is 1 Nope


ash48 October 25 2015, 10:57:48 UTC
Yeah, it had some troubling moments.

I am seriously hoping to be squeeing after next week!


el1ie October 24 2015, 11:18:33 UTC
Nope, didn't work at all for me. 5 seconds of Constipated Castiel was 4 seconds too long and the far too close close-ups of the said Constipated Castiel were making me nauseous.

Mostly I failed to find, well, to be honest just lately I constantly fail to find any logical point to any of it. Round and around we go again - wheee - oops, I fell off. Not sure if I'm bothered enough to get back on. The tiny gems just don't outweigh the boring, plodding banal heaven and hell plots or the angel and demon bland characters any longer for me. Their humour doesn't travel well for me any longer and the show's outlook on what constitutes abuse isn't on an acceptable par with me either these days. Huh, I'm a grumpy bitch this morning aren't I? Sorry.


ash48 October 25 2015, 10:59:57 UTC
My hope is that the MoTW eps still continue and we manager to get at least a few good ole SamnDean eps. It might be a matter of picking and choosing which ones to watch. And future angel and demon heavy eps I think I might just avoid (well, avoid commenting on anyway).


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