
Sep 02, 2015 22:51

Argh...to sign up or not!? After my last commitment to make something I promised myself I'd take a break from it (especially when the person I made it for never responded...D:). This is such a FAB exchange. I've done it in the past and it's blast. It also seems I can't actually make vids these days without having some sort of commitment to do so ( Read more... )


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Comments 21

milly_gal September 2 2015, 15:18:24 UTC
It's generally unlikely you'll get someone who doesn't respond hun *hugs* sorry you did the last time you made something for someone! Please do sign on, I LOVE this challenge!


ash48 September 2 2015, 15:38:41 UTC
Oh yeah, I know. The last one was generally weird anyway - a fandom-aid one that took me over a year to finish. Weird thing is she nudged me a couple of times (fair enough) and then I never heard from her after I posted it. I think she's left LJ actually. I enjoyed making the vid - so it's no biggie (not even sure why I mentioned it actually). The Xmas exchange is always great fun and it's such a lovely fandom event. :)


milly_gal September 2 2015, 16:20:08 UTC
*claps* yay, so you'll be taking part? I personally LOVED your fandom aid piece :D ♥


ash48 September 3 2015, 10:54:50 UTC
Thank you! And yeah. I think I will. Seems like the only why I get stuff made these days...:)


cassiopeia7 September 2 2015, 15:42:08 UTC
DOOOOO EEEEET. It has been said that vidders are unicorns, the rarest of the rare. Please bring your rainbows and sparkles to spn_j2_xmas!

(Also? The person who can't appreciate the gift of an Ash48 vid is a Philistine. There's no hope for 'em.)


ash48 September 3 2015, 10:56:51 UTC
I'm a unicorn! \o/

I think the gal I made it for might be off LJ at the moment. I've PM'd her a couple of times and not got a reply.



madebyme_x September 2 2015, 15:52:52 UTC
\o/ I love this challenge!!! I'm going to take part again this year, I just need to come up with some prompts...

I hope you go for it, vidders are so rare so it would be a treat for everyone!!! Plus it's low pressure, you've got a good few months to create something, and you'll get a xmas gift in return.


ash48 September 3 2015, 10:58:57 UTC
It's a wonderful challenge! (You make a good case! And Its nice making stuff for other people..:D)


amberdreams September 2 2015, 15:54:18 UTC
You had a non-response - wow, that's rude. In fact, it's inconceivable! But of course, you must be the signing up. For all the things.


ash48 September 3 2015, 11:00:45 UTC
I think the person I made it for is of LJ. I haven't seen her around for ages, it's the way it goes I suppose. I haven't signed up for anything for ages, so I think it's about time I did! :)


quickreaver September 2 2015, 16:39:36 UTC
Some folks have NO GRACE. Which event did you get a non-response? Seriously, that's dickish to not even say thank you, if they had even the slightest opportunity.

I'd say DO IT. SPN won't be around much longer--odds are--and this is one of the warmest, most generous events. It's also a sweet thing to get over the holidays. And you do such delightful vids, Ash! It's a gift to everyone!


cassiopeia7 September 2 2015, 20:35:47 UTC
SPN won't be around much longer--

Lalalalala . . . I can't hear youuu!


ash48 September 7 2015, 10:59:37 UTC
Hey Hun! Sorry for late reply a (holidaying seems to put my brain on hold).

The event was a fandom-aid auction vid. It took me quite a while to finish and I think she's either off LJ now, or taking a break. There's no doubt I'm disappointed she hasn't responded, but it's the way it sometimes goes. I enjoyed making the vid (may recent Dean vid), so it's all good.

And I've now signed up! I've tried to start some vids lately but it seems I need some extra motivation to stick to it. It's such a great challenge, so I'm looking forward to it, :).


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