Jared's new website.

Jul 25, 2015 15:59

I'm struggling with my feelings on this, so I thought I'd post some stuff and see if anyone else had some ideas. Mostly, I can't figure out if it's "harmless fun" (and shut-up and stop worrying/whinging/fretting) or if there's going to be some major fallout in the future that will harm Jared and therefore worry lots ( Read more... )

jared, discussion

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Comments 69

amberdreams July 25 2015, 08:18:35 UTC
i don't like this website thing because it's so impersonal - the nice thing about Jared having Twitter and Facebook was that we knew it was him talking - whether it was to us or to Delta airlines, it was Jared's voice. This website is just a marketing tool and yeah, I can see how it might have been sold to Jared as a great way of generating funds for his charities but it doesn't have anything I want. Those articles might be fun and interesting but they appear elsewhere and don't speak to me of Jared. So I'll probably only pick up stuff from there if it's specifically SPN/Jared-related posts that aren't appearing on his own FB or Twitter. (And I wouldn't even do that if I wasn't looking for content for our little FB group SSA).


ash48 July 25 2015, 10:55:35 UTC

And the good thing is, it's easy to see when it's him and when it's the website posting. His posts don't have the "jaredpadaleckiofficial" at the bottom of it. I know he uses his FB to promote his cause, which I think is a positive marketing way of using it. The website does seem very impersonal. I have a feeling he's shown the article, writes a blurb and it's posted. I am concerned that maybe this means this company has access to his Facebook.

I suppose we'll just have to see what happens. My feeling is that if it was to raise funds for charities he may have said something. But maybe he's just wanting him to trust him on this. It's why I'm confused. I want to trust him, but I worry he'll get stung.


katwoman76 July 25 2015, 08:35:18 UTC
Not just did everyone assume it was spam, but we also haven't seen any actual comment about it from Jared hinself (at least I didn't) that would let us know what he is planning with this. it just seems very un-Jared-like.
Maybe someone at the DC-con will ask him about it.


ash48 July 25 2015, 10:58:16 UTC
I'm hoping we'll get more info after the con. Jared not saying anything is the confusing part I think.


el1ie July 25 2015, 08:47:15 UTC
To be honest, I just don't get the point ( ... )


ash48 July 25 2015, 11:08:40 UTC
So far, I haven't seen anything on his twitter. He's just been making posts to his FB. Looking at the FB thread where one particular girl talks about what's going on it seems its purely a marketing tool. And it seems that his manager is behind it (seeing how much defending he does). Now, I has to assume Jared is the one who had to gave the final ok and nows what it's like. I just wonder if he's aware how, um, tacky it is (that could be my cynicism or age talking!)

as fans can be enthusiastic but still end up feeling used.

What really makes me a bit sad is seeing fans interact with the posts as though Jared is posting them - or talks to him and share personal experiences. I mean, it's cool if those articles really do help people and maybe Jared really does see them. Perhaps people can enjoy the articles without actually clicking all the click-bait sites at the bottom and on the side.


citrusjava July 25 2015, 11:25:22 UTC
I very much doubt the articles are helpful to many fans. And it saddens me too that people pour their heart out on those.
I'm sure some of the fans, at least, support the posts because they want to support Jared. I know I did, at first. Now it's just become spammy for me, and it makes me sad. I suppose more naive/loyal/_____ fans still do it to support him, and some just believe it's him. I mean, some fan I talked with (a kid, on a depression support group, ffs, because there aren't stronger groups to exploit) seemed to believe Jared is actually writing it all.


el1ie July 25 2015, 11:34:54 UTC
Looking at the FB thread where one particular girl talks about what's going on it seems its purely a marketing tool.Colour me stupid, but a marketing tool for what? It's not a good advert for him or his future is it? His manager is defending it? To Jared's fans raising concerns? **shakes head** Tacky, that's really tacky ( ... )


cloex_brosluvr July 25 2015, 09:09:12 UTC
I think people are liking it is because they really think it's all 100% Jared which it is not and they want him to think 'hey look at me liking what you post'. I just find the whole thing 'icky' and deceiving.


ash48 July 25 2015, 13:14:19 UTC
*nods* I think that this sad thing for me. I love the support he gets, but with this site I'm not sure he sees it. I don't know. I almost feel that by saying something it's not supporting him, which is the last thing I want to do. But it's hard when it's not even him. Ugh


frozen_delight July 25 2015, 09:10:27 UTC
I think it's a terrible site for multiple reasons and can't really see what Jared is trying to do with it. Who's the target audience? Obviously not possible future employers, because it's not professional enough. It's not directed at fans either, not really, because the content is too random. So probably it's supposed to be part of AKF - except that the quality of the articles is so low (not that I've read them all, but what I clicked on contained cringeworthy stuff like "go hiking, it just magically wipes your depression away") that it makes it look like Jared knows nothing about mental illnesses and isn't taking this project seriously. Which given how much time and emotion he's already invested into the campaign is clearly the opposite of what he wants to project ( ... )


ash48 July 26 2015, 12:09:31 UTC

Who's the target audience?

I'm going to guess it's fans. I can't speak for him but I think it might be about giving fans articles that he thinks they might like to read. In itself that's fair I think, it's just a shame he chose this way of doing it, rather than create his own website.

So probably it's supposed to be part of AKF

I'm not sure really. It might have come off the back of that, but there's no direct link to it as far as I can see. I think it's about inspiration etc. Positive articles that might be interesting to his fans.

that it makes it look like Jared knows nothing about mental illnesses and isn't taking this project seriously.

Hmm, again it's hard to say. I think Jared probably does know about mental illness (hearing him talk about his own struggles), and I think that maybe the articles are about making people feel good. In themselves the articles are pretty harmless, it's all the click bait next to them that I personally don't like.

but I think that's mostly because they're following Dan Spilo's ( ... )


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