
Jun 14, 2015 18:49

So much good TV these days! We are truly spoilt. Here are a few shows I am enjoying (and maybe will enjoy) at the moment...

Broadchurch: This is my absolute FAVE show at the moment! Just finished season one and I loved it! I love mystery/thrillers at the best of times, but the brilliant performances (Olivia Colman's performance as Ellie is simply stunning), solid plotting, strong characterisations and gorgeous cinematography make this an absolute must watch. Just started season 2 - it's not feeling as tight as the first season, but it may smooth out as it goes along.

House of Cards: (US) has been another favourite. Fabulous scripting and characterisations. I adore Robyn Wright as Claire Underwood. I've become quite interested in politics lately (because we have such a shit government in Aus at atm) and this seems to cement my cynicism in politics generally. But it's more than that. It's intriguing, gripping, well written and entertaining.

Brooklyn 99:. This has been a recent discovery for me and I have to say it's probably my ALL TIME fave comedy (I think perhaps M*A*S*H is still my all all time fave though). The characters are the key to this for me. They are wonderfully drawn, beautifully performed and full of warmth, love and humour. I love the depth of representation and level of observation. It's my happy place after watching all the angsty, dark TV I seem to be drawn to. I'm hanging out now for the next season.

Orphan Black: I loved the last 2 seasons and have just started the 3rd. I've only watched the first episode and I hope it manages to keep my attention. I worry about it being too dark - as in, overly cruel. Tatiana Maslany's performance is something to behold and I am mostly watching now because I love seeing what she does with all the characters she juggles.

Daredevil: I started watching this and I think I like it. I'm not busting to watch more eps (I've watched about 6 eps I think), but I will do as I like many aspects of it (mostly Foggy and Matt's relationship). It just seems to be dragging a wee bit. I like that we can get darker elements in the story than we get from say, Arrow. But, I need it to move along a bit faster.

Game of Thrones:. Oh man. I do enjoy watching this but it really challenges me. There's just a lot of, um…cruelty that makes it difficult to watch at times. I'm hooked, but often left disturbed. The amount of rape in the series really bothers me. I realise that the world is a harsh place (and I know it's probably an accurate representation of medieval times), but it makes me squirm so much it's hard to call it "enjoyment"). I will say that the final scene in 3.08 (Hardhome) was jaw dropping!

Hannibal: I've been really looking forward to the return of this show. I've loved the first two seasons. It's SO beautifully shot, brilliantly acted and I love the level of macabre. The first episode of S3 didn't disappoint and I'm looking forward to more.

Sense8: Watched two eps and I'm still making up my mind. I like some of the character situations, but I'd like to be seeing an overall story connecting them all by now. Still making my mind up about this one...

Supernatural: (SPOILERS if you haven't seen all of S10). I don't usually include this in a general watching list ('cause obsessive watching is what this is!), but if I WAS to "generally" review it, I would say that I probably "enjoyed" watching S10 more that I did S8 and S9. Looking back though, I think S8 and S9 were more daring and opened up some challenging themes. Those themes weren't fully explored so the finales felt like a let down. S10 had a sense of resolution (at least the the MoC story line), so felt a bit more satisfying. There's still strong themes in the wind (most notably the brothers' co-dependency and what they are prepared to do for each other), so there's still potential for some of the hanging themes to be explored in the future. I'm curious to see where they take S11. It feels like it could go in any direction.

other shows, hannibal, television, supernatural, game of thrones

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