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tebtosca May 14 2015, 14:03:40 UTC
I just don't care about any of them right now. They are all awful people. At least Crowley is vaguely interesting again.

Which is sad, because Pedowitz at the Upfronts this morning pretty much guaranteed this show will only end when J2 don't need money for the #boathouse anymore lol


ash48 May 14 2015, 14:42:08 UTC
Just such awful people. It makes me remember that I like it when they rise above the awful people they hunt, not become them. But this was about becoming the monster right?

because Pedowitz at the Upfronts this morning pretty much guaranteed this show will only end when J2

Oh good. I'm glad you mentioned that here. I saw it on twitter, then couldn't find it again to comment (yeah, I'm that inept). So, the Js run this show? As in, they'll decide when this is over? As far as I can see that will be…never! Surely show will have run its course by - if not the next season, surely the one after? I mean, how many times can we end with Sam or Dean dying?!

(though I like that Pedowitz is so supportive. Is there actually money in this show now though?).

Hmmm, so many question marks...


tebtosca May 14 2015, 14:48:45 UTC
Right? Like, you know I love me some Psycho-chesters, but that's not what we got last night. I just don't feel anything for any of these people right now. Dean saying he wishes his brother was dead? Nope, not here for that, but I'll let the rest of you fanwank that for me lol.

The show is pure profit for the studio right now. Every episode adds to the syndication profit, and even with J2's salaries, the budgeting is modest. For the network, it's one of the most stable shows they have, and does well for them in the 18-34 male demo, which is THE demo that Pedowitz has been courting since replacing Ostroff. Don't listen to fandom, the ad money that is being courted (financial, automotive, etc) is linked to that demo.

Pedowitz loves the show. He goes up to Van yearly to wine and dine J2. Same with Peter Roth, the head of WB.


ash48 May 14 2015, 15:03:20 UTC
Nope, not here for that, but I'll let the rest of you fanwank that for me lol.

Ha! we're good at that. :) Strangely I felt little from that comment because..what the hell? Pure baiting for the drama. Dean, even with this amount of MoC influence, would never say that. But then we had Dean try and kill Sam in the season opener. Maybe Carver showing his true colours toward Sam? (though Dean doesn't get off lightly. I've never disliked him as much as I have this season…*weeps*).

and does well for them in the 18-34 male demo, which is THE demo that Pedowitz has been courting since replacing Ostroff. I'm sorry…what? Males watch this show? I mean, I know some of my pre-pubesent boys like the show but 18-34?? So you're kinda messing up my fan head with the belief that the only reason they're keeping Cas on is because of that powerful section of fandom. So, the con presence isn't reflective of the general watching demo? I clearly know very little about all this ( ... )


tebtosca May 14 2015, 15:08:30 UTC
The CW has managed to increase male viewers for the network by 10% this season, skewing the network firmly to the middle for a gender balance, which is the current network trend. Flash, Arrow, and SPN are the main leaders in increasing the male demo, per Pedowitz, and this enables them to open up their ad sales buying to advertisers that are primarily male-skewing. They want that because those services are usually on the higher end of the price point.

I've been saying this for years -- fandom is NOT the general audience. You would think that people would listen to someone with a decade of network TV experience :P

p.s. Mark and Misha are there to give J2 time off. That time off is written in their contracts. Trust.


ash48 May 14 2015, 15:23:51 UTC
Ok. Trust I do. And I'd say not just Mark and Misha.

I've always suspected that fandom is a microcosm of the audience, but wow, I'm still shocked that males in that age group are the demo for this show. I would have bet money on women being the target audience (especially with the lack of women on the show).

But yeah. I can see it in Arrow and Flash (even though I've not watched Flash), so I have to trust that SPN is in that group also. But , but…Fan Fiction wasn't for that demo surely?! They would have been puking into their popcorn over that.


tebtosca May 14 2015, 15:28:30 UTC
Why are you assuming that Fan Fiction did well? Ask Jeeves, which was the week after, got better ratings than it did, and that was a random MOTW based on a board game lol. Especially considering the amount of promotion they put into it, which should have made it premiere/finale-level ratings. My boyfriend, who is in that demo and has watched from the pilot, skipped it entirely.


cosmicviolet May 15 2015, 05:46:38 UTC
Pedowitz at the Upfronts this morning pretty much guaranteed this show will only end when J2 don't need money for the #boathouse anymore lol

Just to butt in here....now that you mention it, it seems kind of odd that Jared and Jensen aren't bored with the show yet. If you compare Supernatural to Smallville, which is the only other genre show I can think of that's run this long, I heard a lot of those people were itching to get out of there after ten years. So it seems strange that J & J wouldn't want to move on to new projects by now. Maybe that's just my impression, though...


quickreaver May 15 2015, 06:23:02 UTC
My thinking? They like the steady jobs! Also, they might feel some small bit of responsibility for the rest of the staff, all of whom will lose their jobs if J2 walk.


cuddyclothes May 16 2015, 00:18:52 UTC
Part of me thinks they like the steady work...and that they've gone for auditions and haven't gotten anything else.


quickreaver May 16 2015, 01:25:21 UTC
Dang, harsh!


fanspired May 15 2015, 07:48:48 UTC
I think a pertinent addendum to this thread is that, while many of the episodes in the original canon were written by women, there are now only three female writers left on staff, and they only write as part of a male/female team.


cuddyclothes May 14 2015, 20:55:14 UTC
I have this faint hope that the Js will hang it up when their contracts expire this year...although that hope is very faint.


ash48 May 17 2015, 10:01:23 UTC
Especially as the boss has said he's prepared to go past season 12!


cuddyclothes May 14 2015, 20:56:14 UTC
Cool! What have you done in network tv? Or would you prefer not to say? (Not meant snarky, I respect your desire for privacy. Just curious.)


sothcweden May 16 2015, 01:27:36 UTC
Thank you for explaining this, as I'd never thought of the show or the direction of its recent storytelling in these terms. While I had heard that TPTB wanted the male viewership despite the fandom skewing female, I had no idea they even come close to achieving it. That really changes my perspective of the recent seasons' story, though I'm still not happy about the way things have gone.


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