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gidgetgal9 May 14 2015, 13:57:50 UTC
Well, I watched it fighting a nasty case of bronchitis and I have been keeping myself entertained by watching past seasons of Supernatural so I have a feeling that all colored my response going in.

I knew Dean was due to go off the deep end and that the boys would be at odds.

*I just don't get why Sam went in to kill Crowley just armed with what Rowena gave him. Why would he trust her hex bag? I missed Sam being smarter on that one.

*Why did Cas go down so easy and almost end up killed? He has his grace back and I remember him with stolen grace being able to grab demon Dean at the beginning of the season to save Sam. Is there something I'm missing on that?

I told my watching partner, it makes me want to write my own ending where Cas goes to Heaven to fetch Bobby so he can help co-ordinate a plan to save the Idgits!

That is probably the watching past seasons talking right there.

Didn't hate it but was disappointed at many parts of it.


ash48 May 14 2015, 14:33:12 UTC
*I just don't get why Sam went in to kill Crowley just armed with what Rowena gave him. Why would he trust her hex bag? I missed Sam being smarter on that one.

Yeah, good question. I pondered this also. My thinking is Sam didn't know how to kill Crowley. He is the King of Hell after all. He knows Rowena really wanted him dead so assumed her hex would work. Sam doesn't have anything in his arsenal to kill Crowley (that knife wouldn't have either I don't think).

*Why did Cas go down so easy and almost end up killed?This is the biggest problem I have with the episode. How did MoC!Dean beat and angel And also - why wasn't Cas called to try and save Charlie once the boys found her? How did he not know everything that was going on? I can only assume he's more "human" than he's ever been. On twitter, someone suggested he has no power because he's cut off from heaven. To be honest, I have no idea. I don't why they gave Cas his juice and now he can't use it. He could hold demon!Dean but not MoC!Dean? My "fanon" is that he didn' ( ... )


fireheart13 May 14 2015, 15:02:26 UTC
I agree, I felt Cas didn't WANT to hurt Dean, and was willing to take the punishment instead.


cuddyclothes May 14 2015, 20:51:59 UTC
That was my take on it. He doesn't fight back. I also think Dean has some sort of superstrength from the Mark--look how he busted out of that leather cuff.


fireheart13 May 14 2015, 22:41:12 UTC
Excellent point!!! (about the mark strength)


fanspired May 15 2015, 06:14:56 UTC
The 'exiled from heaven' explanation doesn't fly (pardon the pun). Cas was cut off from heaven in season 5 but he could still fly and respond to prayers until he was made human. Also, the only time he ever bled was when he was human. He flitted around Purgatory just fine. He wasn't cut off from heaven there? Last season all the angels were cut off from heaven, but it didn't seem to hamper them much. Gadreel was still able to resurrect Charlie and Castiel despite supposedly being in a weakened state.

No. Show has simply castrated Castiel to suit the convenience of the plot and is no longer bothering to explain his impotence. We're just supposed to accept it. Current policy seems to be to write under the assumption that cuurent viewers haven't seen, don't remember or don't care about previous canon.


amnisias May 19 2015, 08:04:04 UTC
I thought that Cas was holding back on purpose, because he thougoht that seeing the damage he was doing to his friend would 'snap him out' of his killer mindset. It wasn't like we was fighting back and Dean was stronger, he just let Dean pummel him.


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