woot! Supernatural stuff!

May 11, 2015 19:49

My ticket arrived for the AHBL6 Con in Sydney. \o/ I'm in seat O6 if anyone else on my flist is going.:))

Also looking forward to the meet up on the Saturday night before the con. This is it (and hey, even if you're not going to the con I reckon this will be fun to attend!). There are still places available. :)

info here if you're interested )

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Comments 20

mel_b_angel May 11 2015, 12:06:42 UTC
I'm going! We're row G - be nice to see you in RL :)


ash48 May 11 2015, 12:14:57 UTC
Oh row G is awesome! I was hoping to be a bit closer, but happy to be pretty much in the middle. :) And yes, looking forward to seeing you again. :)


junkerin May 11 2015, 12:26:09 UTC
Since this is in AUSTRALIA !!!!

No way I´m going to make this on time. Sorry you will have to celebrate without me :-(


ash48 May 11 2015, 12:34:13 UTC
Haha. Yes, they're finally back in Australia!

And what? You can't make it in time?! ;D (that's normally the case for me, but not this time…!)


chomaisky May 11 2015, 15:31:19 UTC
You're lucky to have a husband like him!

Have fun at the con<3


ash48 May 12 2015, 10:04:56 UTC
I am! :)


I will. :))


madebyme_x May 11 2015, 15:57:21 UTC
\o/ I hope you have amazing time! And what an awesome husband you have.

(PS how's everything going with your new bar?)


ash48 May 12 2015, 10:07:44 UTC
Thank you! I am getting very excited about going. :0

Ah, the saga of the bar. We are now waiting for an idiot from the local council to sort out the "fine print" on the rubbish bins. Believe it or not! It's holding up the building licence (and is costing us a fortune while this prat mulls over the details). It's sooooo frustrating. Apparently it's to be sorted this week. Once we have that the building can be finished and we can open. *fingers crossed*


madebyme_x May 12 2015, 10:37:01 UTC
There's always (at least) one prat, isn't there!?! But I'll keep my fingers and toes crossed too. Such an exciting time!


caranfindel May 11 2015, 16:53:42 UTC
I'm so jealous! I've got the tiny version but I desperately want the big one.


ash48 May 12 2015, 10:08:47 UTC
I actually didn't even know this one existed. Hubby apparently came across it while out shopping and just had to get it! So cool! :)


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