S10 popularity round up...

Jan 20, 2015 22:28

Fave episodes eps so far from S10 - according to my episode polls ( Read more... )

poll, s10 musings

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Comments 19

frelling_tralk January 20 2015, 14:32:56 UTC
I think the top three are the same order that I would put my favourites.

I got the impression that Ask Jeeves wasn't all that popular at the time actually, but I thought that it was really fun and something a little bit different


ash48 January 20 2015, 14:38:29 UTC
I think I'm one who has enjoyed Ask Jeeves more after I first watched it. (I think being on twitter has helped that for me! *g*). Highly entertaining.

I think I'd put Reichenbach as my No.1, simply because it was so well structured and written. Though Fan Fiction brings tears to my eyes every time I watch it -so that's gotta count for something. :))


tebtosca January 20 2015, 14:55:43 UTC
if you throw out the Atrocity from the #1 slot, then the top three is the same for me (although I would put Ask Jeeves above Reichenbach because Ask Jeeves is the only episode this year that I enjoyed watching and then re-watched again)


ash48 January 20 2015, 22:51:23 UTC
Ask Jeeves was a heap of fun! (And I've loved it more since what you guys on Twitter!)


madebyme_x January 20 2015, 15:11:56 UTC
What a neat thing to see - that really is fascinating!

For me, the top few are right, but I'd want to switch up the rest. Personally I found that Black was the weakest episode, Demon!Dean fell flat but I suspect a lot of this could be due to the amount of spoilers I saw (which I now avoid!)

But yeah, I'm going into the rest of the season the same way that I came in; with no real expectations, but hoping to be entertained :)


ash48 January 20 2015, 23:09:35 UTC
What a neat thing to see - that really is fascinating!

I thought so to. I was interested to see how everyone had voted over the season and I think it's probably a fair representation. Though I know people will have their own version. I was alway amazed how in every poll there would always be opposite reactions (some loved, some hated). Reminds me how much about personal taste it is.

I think the spoilers did take the edge of off Demon!Dean. The promos gave us the worse but in the end he really wasn't that bad. I have a feeling the MOC Dean might be even worse (maybe?!). He was fun to watch though and Jensen did an awesome job being "different".

Here's to entertainment! :D


colls January 20 2015, 15:46:50 UTC
I didn't vote in your polls because I'm rarely current with watching. BUT I caught up (finally!) with the first half of the season.

I liked the Jody episode the best, probably because a) I really like Jody and b) she didn't die.
After that, I think Ask Jeeves and Reichenbach were probably the best for me. I did like Girls, Girls, Girls and Paper Moon more than some people I suspect.

I should go back and find out why people didn't like The Things We Left Behind. I mean, I know why it's not the top episode for me, but I thought there were things in there that 'fandom' would like so I'm kind of surprised.

Looking forward to watching tonight's episode hopefully sometime before the internet forgets about it entirely


ash48 January 20 2015, 23:15:24 UTC
Jody is awesome! And I'm so glad they haven't killed her off. And I hope they never do (they seem to be hanging on to recurring characters lately).

I mean, I know why it's not the top episode for me, but I thought there were things in there that 'fandom' would like so I'm kind of surprised.

Not forgetting that most people who follow my journal are Sam and Dean peeps so it might not be surprising it didn't fair too well (considering how much Cas and Crowley there was). Also, my review (or rather "reaction" wasn't exactly glowing (my least fave episode since the S8 mid season finale). I think mostly it was due to it being a let down as a midseason finale. For me it was for lots of reasons but I think the lack of Sam and Dean may have been a factor for some.

I'm looking forward to this episode too. I think! :)


killabeez January 20 2015, 15:55:14 UTC
"Fan Fiction" is the first episode I've rewatched since midway through S7. Sigh. And I rewatched "Ask Jeeves," too! That's already a better track record than I've had with this show since pre-Carver.


ash48 January 20 2015, 23:17:54 UTC
Go you!! But man, I understand. I've said before that I wish I could let it go. But alas. Now I just hope for the occasional great ep (they do come around occasionally) and that Sam gets to speak (wish they came around more often…).



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