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Comments 35

amberdreams January 17 2015, 14:51:57 UTC
Hee! I love that one little aspect of Dean the big kid is still around...at least they have left him his love of a good nosh.

A very satisfying sandwich of a post!


ash48 January 18 2015, 03:56:48 UTC
Yes! It's good to see him enjoying his food again! :D


cassiopeia7 January 17 2015, 16:07:55 UTC
Another fabulous meta! (But what about that delicious-looking burger that nesting!Dean made for Sam in "Trial and Error"?) :)


ash48 January 18 2015, 04:02:08 UTC
Ahhh, see, I consider that a burger not a sandwich. I was really torn about this one (and other "burger/sandwiches"). I ended up drawing the line with burgers because then I would have to include a whole heap more! I was really confused with what's considered a sandwich in the US - what we call rolls (and even wraps) seem to be called sandwiches…

That said! I do love that moment when Dean makes Sam's the burger because it's when we first see homemade food in the bunker. It links nicely with Dean's flashbacks to having "real" food when he was little. :)

OOh, and can I pinch you icon?? I was looking for a sandwich eating one!


cassiopeia7 January 18 2015, 04:18:03 UTC
Cool beans. I figured you might have a reason for leaving it out, as your eye / memory for detail is insane and you definitely wouldn't have forgotten that scene. :D

Pinch away! The icon's by iwantpie. :D

. . . aww, man. Now *I* want a burger!


ash48 January 18 2015, 05:58:54 UTC
Thanks hun!!

And every time I see that burger I want one too!! It looks awesome! :D


gooferdusty January 17 2015, 16:42:14 UTC
Firstly, I love your meta posts! Seriously, one of the best things in this fandom. Secondly, when sam gets stabbed and dean makes the deal to save him, doesn't sam eat fried chicken? Or has the outtake of Jared spitting 'ligament' out now implanted itself permenantly in my head?! Thirdly, another food related question. What the hell is a pig in a poke? Is it like a sausage roll?


ash48 January 18 2015, 04:38:56 UTC

Secondly, when sam gets stabbed and dean makes the deal to save him, doesn't sam eat fried chicken?

Oh, I thought it was pizza? I'd have to go and have another look. I know Bobby offer Dean chicken while he's mourning over Sam's body.

What the hell is a pig in a poke? Is it like a sausage roll?

Good question! Not being from the US I'm not 100% sure. I think it's a sausage wrapped in pasty. I also know them as Pigs in Blankets. My hubby makes a dish with sausages in yorkshire pudding. YUM!


gooferdusty January 18 2015, 11:14:35 UTC
Well, I'm from the Uk, so I've got no clue either! All I know is that over here, a sausage wrapped in pastry is a sausage roll. Pigs in blankets are sausage wrapped in bacon, and sausages in Yorkshire pudding is called toad in the hole! And before you ask, no, I have no idea why it's called that either! I do know one thing though. I'm now starving!


(The comment has been removed)

ash48 January 18 2015, 04:39:24 UTC
Heehee…NOM NOM! <333


madebyme_x January 17 2015, 19:37:21 UTC
Now I want a sandwich!!! Nom Nom :)

This was a really interesting meta post. I've noticed that food plays a significant part in the show, but I don't think I've noticed how many sandwiches we've seen.

I think for me the ones that stand out are the ones that are made out of love; Mary making one for her son, Dean making one for Sam, and then Sam returning the favour. We don't hear the Winchester's say those three words but when they offer food to each other, in my head and my heart, that's what they're saying.

A lovely post; it made me smile, it made me laugh, and it made me giggle! Thanks for sharing :)


ash48 January 18 2015, 13:26:40 UTC
but I don't think I've noticed how many sandwiches we've seen.

Me neither until I did this!! I thought there might have been about 5 or 6 times…

We don't hear the Winchester's say those three words but when they offer food to each other, in my head and my heart, that's what they're saying.

EXACTLY! It's most definitely about love - words they can never say. :)

And thank you. I'm glad you had a smile and laugh! :D


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