Experimental vidding...

Dec 21, 2014 20:45

*waves* I feel like I haven't been around much. It's such a busy time of year. School is out and I now have a wonderful 5 weeks of holidays ahead of me. Yay. I've been eyeing off the spnspiration bingo cards and decided to grab on in the hope it might help me experiment a little in my vidding next year. Absolutely no idea how this will work, but I'm ( Read more... )

vidding, pimp, bingo

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Comments 18

chomaisky December 21 2014, 14:08:23 UTC
Goooood luck, brave girl ;))))


ash48 December 22 2014, 10:29:35 UTC
Thanks!! I'm gonna need it I think! ;)


galwithglasses December 21 2014, 20:53:45 UTC
I'm really looking forward to seeing what you might do with this. Even though I'm not a fiction author or an artist, it's still fun to look at the prompts and think about what might be possible. I bet the prompts will give you some cool ideas.


ash48 December 22 2014, 10:30:24 UTC
I'm looking forward to seeing what I'm going to do too! I'm already thinking of some ideas...


amberdreams December 21 2014, 23:02:28 UTC
i think we've all had to think outside the box so far for this one - it's part of the fun! I'm looking forward to seeing which ones you go for. (I had to look up half of my terms too!!)


ash48 December 22 2014, 10:31:31 UTC
i think we've all had to think outside the box so far for this one

Yes, I've loved seeing what's being done. Your work has been an inspiration. :)


amberdreams December 22 2014, 10:37:22 UTC
Aw thanks, I've ground to a halt at the moment though, been a bit busy with Christmas fills that didn't really fit with any of my prompts. I think I shall reexamine it after the holiday is over!


kalliel December 22 2014, 01:13:45 UTC
I feel like there could be veritable EPICNESS when putting vids to these terms. Looking forward! :)


ash48 December 22 2014, 10:31:50 UTC
EPIC indeed!! argh.....



runedgirl December 22 2014, 02:02:20 UTC
Oooooh. *bounces*


ash48 December 22 2014, 10:32:32 UTC
hee...I hope I can manage something.... :)


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