10.09 Poll

Dec 10, 2014 21:07

After posting my initial reaction earlier I couldn't resist the poll because I'm curious what you all thought. A more detailed review to follow when I can gather my thoughts.

Poll 10.09 Reaction

s10 reaction, poll

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Comments 45

quickreaver December 10 2014, 13:35:48 UTC
Already spewed my venom over at Deb's journal, but wow. Underwhelming is an understatement. And here's the thing: I didn't loathe Cas and Claire's story! (It should've been tightened up, but okay.) The episode reminded me of a book that is perfectly serviceable, until the very end, where it drops the ball. If a book effs up the ending, you never recc it to a friend, right? Any mildly pleasant bits you read earlier are negated by that crappy ending, and that's kinda how I felt.

And for me, the "crappy ending" was the uselessness of Cas' storyline and Sam leaving Dean in the house with the bad guys. He never would've done that. It made no sense. It was a total 'WTF?' moment for me. Not even Sam, with his hands cupping Dean's face in the last few seconds, could save the episode from banality.


reggie11 December 10 2014, 13:52:14 UTC
The moment Sam walked out of the house I yelled at the screen. That tiny piece of scene was the worst writing since season 9. It was so ridiculously OOC for either of them. Since when do Sam or Dean ever not have the other's back, especially when they're outnumbered? Stupid. Just stupid. There's a great discussion post on tumblr that's been going around for a week or so about how badly the writers have dumbed down the Winchesters. I linked it on twitter and tagged a couple of the writers. I hope at least one of them sees it.


growyourwings December 10 2014, 15:57:32 UTC
So agree. I kept saying, "why is Sam leaving?" And just Dean nodding to Sam & Cas to leave ahead of him seemed...strange enough that I as knocked out of the story wondering why they made that choice.


quickreaver December 10 2014, 17:10:05 UTC
OMG, they have TOTALLY dumbed down the boys. No shit. Edlund was the last writer to have treated Sam's intellect with the humor and respect it deserved. Share the link here?


(The comment has been removed)

ash48 December 11 2014, 11:53:11 UTC
Yeah…I ended up going with *meh* because it did have a couple of nice moments. My first *meh* this season though. That's gotta be good.


cassiopeia7 December 10 2014, 14:37:30 UTC
I cheated and clicked both "OK" and "Meh," because for me, at least, the grilled-cheese scene and the intense moment at the end with Sam gripping Dean's face and begging him to admit he'd killed in self-defense . . . made up for a lot of sins that went before. If those moments had not been there, believe me, I would've checked "Nope" in a heartbeat.

. . . fickle Cassiopeia is fickle.


etoile_etiolee December 10 2014, 15:37:05 UTC
I completely agree, that's why I clicked ok.


ash48 December 11 2014, 13:02:34 UTC
Grilled cheese!! I ended up with *meh* in the end, even though there were a couple of nice bro moments. I'm in a much better mood today so if I watched it again it might go up to ok. Still, definitely my least favourite this season.


sam_dean_lover December 10 2014, 14:38:00 UTC
F is my grade.i give up, im seriously thinking about quitting right now. i dont know what that was but it was not a mid-season finale and not my show;i dont know who these people are but they're not Sam and Dean maybe they're Leviathans.i dont know what the hell is going on, but whatever it is its killing me with what they're doing to the characters i used to know and love. im to the point where my loyalty and passionate love is worth coming back after this bullshit of a not mid-season finale! :(!!!! i am just heartbroken right now as i dont know what right now and it HURTS and devastating me that i am seriously thinking about letting this show go after 10 years. i cant believe i just said that, that's how devastated and heartbroken i am:(. my heart is telling me to stay and see it to the end but my mind is telling me that maybe its time to let it go :(.Sam did nothing in this episode and im worried that he wont be doing anything in the 2nd half in January. i need this break to think, really think and remember why im still here now ( ... )


batgurl10 December 10 2014, 20:10:19 UTC
It wasnt *That bad, Jeez whiz!


sam_dean_lover December 10 2014, 20:46:40 UTC
excuse me? i just left my personal opinion of what i thought of the episode and graded it, im not sure i understand what you are saying to me? it may not have been bad for you but to me it was bad episode.


ash48 December 11 2014, 12:00:38 UTC
I hear ya. I've been there before. The worse for me was the S8 mid-season finale with the climax was Amelia walking back into Sam's life. It was like - *Oh we have to actually CARE about that!* It was like this episode. I cared so little about anything - even Sam and Dean by the end. But the fact that I've enjoyed pretty much all the episodes so far this season has made me more hopeful. The few Sam and Dean moments we got were nice (grilled cheese and Three Stooges!) but the rest was just uninteresting to me.

I hope it picks up for you after the hiatus. Letting go of this show is damn near impossible. I've felt like doing it a few times, but I just can't.


debbiel66 December 10 2014, 15:53:49 UTC
I was watching a glitchy stream but ended up being so uninvested, I didn't really care!

But it's been a good season. I will be back in January. :)


ash48 December 11 2014, 12:22:07 UTC
Yeah. One rotten apple doesn't make a bad barrel. I've been mostly happy with this season too so I can definitely forgive this. I mean, overall I'm still carrying some bitterness but up until this episode I haven't really felt that bitterness take over.


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