I can't bring myself to review 10.09 at the moment

Dec 10, 2014 17:47

I can't recall the last time I was so angry after a mid-season finale. Oh wait. Yes I can. After the season 8 mid-season finale.

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Dear Show,

If I wanted to watch soapy drama about teenage angst and family dramas there are a gazzillion other shows I could watch. In fact, I'm currently watching The Originals - full of family strife and drama but I'm watching that KNOWING THAT THAT IS WHAT IT'S ABOUT. The last time I checked Supernatural was not ONLY about that stuff.

Yours so fucking faithfully that I need my head checked.

I'll stop because all I'll do is rant. I'm sure there were some wonderful moments but I'm too pissed that the mid-season finale was not only Winchester-lite but boring as bat shit (though actually batshit is likely to be more interesting).

And yes I know, I'm probably offending every person that follows me because that's all I seem to be able to do lately.

(though really I am sorry. I had a crappy start to the day, followed by a crappy day and I went into the episode in a craptastic mood and I had hoped it might have taken me out of it. Instead I ended up pissed off with it - which is very likely because of the mood I was in. Sadly. I just wasn't the slightest bit interested in any of it (which BOO because I was looking forward to Cas and Claire actually AND juicy MoC stuff).

I will take some time, read some reviews, adjust my mood/view and review this properly (with a poll) later.

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