In preparation for the 200th episode! (help!)

Nov 10, 2014 20:11

I wanted to have a vid to celebrate the 200th ep but it was looking pretty awful so I've ditched it. Instead I'm going to totally piggy back off of kalliel's idea and create a love list.


I'm not quite as clever with the google docs as she is so if any one would like to make some suggestions here and I'll add them to the list below. Feel free to suggest one thing or many (or I will try to fill in all 200 spots by the 200th..;D).

I'll start off with 20 reasons...

In no particular order:

1 Sam and Dean
2 Sam
3 Dean
4 Title cards
5 A gorgeous, black 1967 Impala. Baby.
6 Motels
7 Jody Jody Jody
8 Long stretches of roads
9 Plaid made sexy
10 "I'm not leaving my brother alone out there"
11 The green cooler of bro!love
12 Drinks by the side of the road
13 Sam's hair
14 Dean's face
15 Soulless!Sam exercising
16 Demon!Dean - just everything about him really
17 John's jacket that became Dean's
18 Aaaaaamuleeettttt
19 Every bro hug that ever existed
20 Jared and Jensen
21 Family don't end with blood
22 The way Sam and Dean silently communicate
23 Bobby
24 Bobby's car yard
25 Rumsfeld
26 Ellen and Jo
27 Mere mortals against demons and angels
28 Death
29 The rest of the 4 Horseman of the Apocalypse
30 The cars they drive
31 Sam as Meg
32 Meg
33 Pamela
34 Carry on My Wayward Son
35 Truck smashing into the impala. Argh!
36 Possessed YED!John *guh*
37 Dean coming in between Sam and John
38 Wee!Dean carrying out baby!Sammy
39 We've got work to do
40 The Impala's trunk
41 John's truck
43 The towel around Sam's waist in Hell House
44 Charlie
45 Boys wrestling on the bed in Hell House
46 Hell House!
47 In My Time of Dying
48 Two Deans in The End
49 Drink clinking
50 Hallucinations
51 Rufus!
52 Grumpy old men!
53 Idjits
54 Sam's I lost my shoe face
55 Sam's bitchfaces
56 Sam's sideburns
57 Dean's stubble of angst
58 Dean's red plaid shirt of angst
59 Dean's other red shirt
60 Dean's shower scenes
61 Awesomely tacky motel rooms especially the Tiki room
62 Deer's head
63 Unicorns with rainbows
64 Kevin
65 Osric Chau
66 The Gag Reel
67 Hallucifer
68 The Bunker and it's awesome design and lighting
69 The bunker garage and it's contents
70 Fanfiction green eyes
71 Smith and Wesson
72 Creepy children
73 The scarecrow - scariest thing ever
74 The desaturated color of the early seasons
75 Kim Manners
76 The score written for the show, especially Americana
77 The Impala and her squeaky doors
78 Salt and burn
79 Pie
80 Ash and his mullet all business up front, party in the back
81 The way Dean call Sam "Sammy"
82 Dean's single tear crying scenes (is it called 'single tear of doom'?)
83 Young Mary and John
84 The carved DW and SW in the Impala
85 The toy soldier in the Impala
86 Jess
87 Tied!Sam
88 Drunk!Sam
89 Gordon
90 Zachariah
91 Uriel
92 Castiel's entrance
93 Wings!
94 The boys talking together
95 The boys walking together
96 Dean in gym shorts
97 All the gifs!
98 All the art!
99 All the fic!
100 All the fans!
101 Saving People, hunting things, the family business
102 Sam, we made a hell of a team
103 The warehouse scene in 7x02-Stone #1 speech
104 As long as I'm around, nothing bad's gonna happen to you*
105 Sam in the Janitor outfit
106 Sammy, i'm not gonna leave you*(5x22)
107 Mary
108 Sam, you and Dad are the most important people in my life*
109 Christmas with Sam and Dean (3x08 ep)
110 Sam's Whippet shirt
111 Boys in hospital gowns
112 Bobby's neighbour
113 Sarah
114 Lisa
115 Mystery Spot
116 Hell is a long line of people cueing
117 Sam's "watch me" in Faith.
118 Every special moment Sam and Dean share in the impala
119 A Very Supernatural Christmas
120 Wee!Sam and Dean flashbacks
121 Hurt!Dean
122 John
123 YED
124 Alistair
125 Cas drinking a liquor store
127 MoTW episodes
128 Boys in uniform
129 Dean being proud of Sam
130 Sam's soccer trophy
131 Sam protecting Sam in Simon Says
132 Dean smashing the mirror in Bloody Mary to save Sam
133 Dean and Sam saving each other
134 Sam/Jes
135 Sunglasses and beach chairs
136 "We time"
137 Dean playing fetch in Dog Dean Afternoon
138 Loopy Sam in Sam Interrupted
139 Dean's sex talk in Rock and a Hard Place
140 Depressed Teddybear
141 What is and What Should Never Be
142 Pilot
143 Home and all the feels
144 Sam and Dean in fireman costumes
145 Sam siding with Dean when John was possessed by YED
146 "I don't do shorts"
147 Dean's lederhosen in Monster Movie
148 Monster Movie
149 Back in Black
150 Samimpala!
151 "We do what we do and we shut up about it!" Sam, Route 666
152 "I ain't gonna let him die alone" Dean, Swan Song
153 Doublemint Twins
154 Poling the Electorate
155 Sam and Madison
156 Heart, just everything about it
157 Rock Paper Scissors
158 Lucifer!Sam
159 Lucifer (Mark P.)
160 Souless!Sam
161 Blood Junkie Sam
162 Gadreel!Sam
163 Demon!Dean
164 #DOIT
165 Sam and Dean's commitment ceremony in the church 8.23 (Sacrifice)
166 John's Storage Locker
167 Dean's love of a a good Steam Shower!
168 We're your councillors. We've come to hug"
169 Sam's POV in When the Levee Breaks
170 Ruby being soooo "awesome"
171 Dean breaking down when recalling Hell
172 Sam in Sacrifce
173 Dean in The End
174 Missouri
175 "...probably thought you were just overcompensating"
176 Dean's henley in S2
177 brooding and pensive shoulders
178 S4 -- all of it
179 S5 -- all of it except for Swap Meat
180 "a multidimensional wavelength of celestial intent"
181 "I'm a posse magnet"
182 Dean's wardrobe when he time travels
183 The lighting on Dean's face when he's in the bar in You Can't Handle the Truth
184 "wackadoo"
185 Sacrifice
186 Ruby's smirk
187 Mystery Spot
188 The big slinky
189 Old and crotchety Dean
190 Sam's hair as a barometer of his emotional well-being
191 "...make it stone #1 and build on it."
192 Devils' traps
192 Awesome one-off characters
193 - 200 Episode 10.05!!! \o/

Your turn!

(I've only listed actual things about the show to love but I'd also add, more personal, being able to have discussions like this, this and this. I have the most wonderful and fair f'list and it's meant being able to discuss the show - warts and all, and still remain friends. <333

s10 musings, squee, supernatural

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