a few things...

Jun 15, 2014 22:00

  • I'm blown away how quickly money was raised recently to keep the fabulous SuperWiki running. A new, dedicated server was required due to all the information on it and all the visitors it gets. The goal was $2223 and that was raised in 12 hours! It's now on $3,625! The additional funds will go to the future running costs. There's still 33 days to go and I'm sure if you wanted to donate the money will be appreciated.
  • I've seen this posted on a number of journals. It's a lovely idea (SPN day of fandom love). Sad that we actually need to do something like this, but maybe drawing attention to how hurtful fandom wank can be, fans may think twice before being hurtful. Personally, I don't think "wank" is necessarily disagreeing with each other or having different views on the show. It's mostly about the way things are said.
  • Any of you into the Pacific Rim fandom? My darling friend and my long time vid beta _sharvie_ has made a Pacific Rim/Tron crossover AU vid! Incalculable, Unconditional. I was thrilled to be able to beta for her after all the years she beta'd for me.

I watched Scarecrow last night with zebra363. It's been a while since I watched a season 1 episode (though I did re-watch Devil's Trap a couple of weeks ago).

Something struck me:

Dean tells Sam "I'm proud of you" as a way of saying goodbye.

It's interesting looking back, that as early as 1.11 Dean was ready (and seemed able) to let Sam go. He was prepared to go on without Sam. He told him he was proud of Sam's strength and ability to go after what he wanted. He also used the same kind words of words to say goodbye that he did in 9.23. It's interesting that Dean seems to be in a place where he's not been able to be for a long, long time. I get that so much has happened to him (and between him and Sam) which has changed him over the series, but I wonder is his journey is about getting him back to the character he was in 1.11. That's not to say I want to see them separate, but maybe being able to separate might be a step forward (hee, or rather step back maybe).

pimp, vid rec, thinky, supernatural, mixed bag

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