Vidlet: This is the End

Nov 07, 2009 20:08

Title: This is the End
Vidder: Ash48
Song: The End by The Doors
Category: Angst (probably episodic)
Length: 1.20,
Size 10.7mb
Summary: "What ever you do, you will always end up here...."

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Comments 46

secretlytodream November 7 2009, 17:54:58 UTC

I loved this to pieces ♥


ash48 November 8 2009, 03:25:25 UTC
Oh yes indeed. I tweaked this far too many times and then I was kinda over it. I'm fairly happy with it, but I think it could have done with a little more work... but... I want to move on to other things.

And thanks for your feedback hun. I had a really good play with some matting and overlaying clips etc. and even though I didn't end up using it, I learned a lot about what can be done. Though it doesn't come instinctively to me yet. Maybe one day.

<3 <3


secretlytodream November 8 2009, 12:07:50 UTC
but... I want to move on to other things.
I SO understand you....that's why I make most art of my vids kinda fast - I don't wanna lose the feeling, you know? Need to catch a moment :)

Maybe one day.
I'm sure sooner than later ;)


tiggeratl1 November 7 2009, 20:54:39 UTC
ooooo Sarah, this was just chilling!! AWESOME!! Loved the strobing effect and coloring on the helicopter to the sound of the song. Just gorgeous!! The beginning had such an Apocalypse Now feel. The lyrical interps were spot on. Loved the comparitive clips of Dean and Sam turning around at .46-.48 and OMG!!! "I'll never look into your eyes... again" and Sam/Lucifer's vo... GAH!!! *faint* Just chillingly brilliant hun!!


ash48 November 8 2009, 03:28:07 UTC
YAY! Toni. Thanks so much darlin! (I'm so glad you're on LJ! I won't be posting this on SVS - so I'm thrilled I can get your lovely feedback here! :D)

I was really going for an Apocalypse Now feel for the beginning - there's just something about those violent images and that piece of music.

Thanks so much for your lovely feedback. I really appreciate it.


meg_tdj November 7 2009, 20:58:50 UTC
Ohhhhhhh, that was chilling and awesome. Nicely done!


ash48 November 8 2009, 03:28:25 UTC
Thanks so much Meg! :D


emeraldsedai November 8 2009, 00:26:48 UTC
That is so incredibly sad. Nice use of some clips that haven't been used a lot (yet). The coloring and--I think--lensing maybe? of that warlike scene was so unusual for SPN, and you used it well here to give the feeling of almost another story entirely.

I hope Show doesn't go this way. I'm afraid it might. Beautiful sad vid.


ash48 November 8 2009, 03:33:33 UTC
Hi. Thank you so much. This would indeed be a very sad way to end - I'm pretty sure it won't go that way, but it's nice playing with the idea of it.

and you used it well here to give the feeling of almost another story entirely.

In fact, I really struggled to reconcile the beginning of the vid to the end of it, because, yes - it could be a different story to the one in the show. I was somewhat aware of that when I was making the vid because I only wanted to give a kind of "backdrop" to the future And kind of juxtapose the physical battles in the beginning with the boys emotional battle at the end.

Oops. Ranted a bit...

Thanks so much for your comment. :)


tenaciousmetoo November 8 2009, 01:58:17 UTC
Okay, Ash, now you've made me think. What if The End is actually Sam and Dean both saying yes, and then coming the surface enough to make Lucifer & Michael reconcile? Talk about brotherly hugs....


ash48 November 8 2009, 03:38:32 UTC
OMG! I love this idea! We can have the brother angels bonding, reconciling and hugging (lots of hugging!) and Sam and Dean would be reconciled and they would have do to lots of hugging and then they all live happily ever after!

So Sam and Dean saying yes might not be a bad thing after all..?! (damn it! I think I might want it to happen this way now!)




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