Wheeeeee! The book arrived!

May 06, 2014 21:36

My copy of Fan Phenomena arrived and I am excited all over again!

The screen caps look awesome and I and still pinching myself that Serge read some of the stuff I had to say about the caps and answered some of my questions. Lynn did a great job combining the observations on the caps with our questions to Serge.

Serge's chapter. He gives some great insights into shooting the show.

el1ie, galwithglasses and missyjack mentioned at the end of the chapter. :)


I did the interview at the beginning of 2013 when I was doing some work on counteragent's fan film, "The Other Side" (I wish I had mentioned the name of the film!!)

There are some great photos by growyourwings. :)

missyjack talks about social media and fandom. I love how knowledgeable she is on the history of fandom and where everyone hangs out. It's fascinating reading.

Misha's chapter - Supernatural and the Power of Fandom. This is a very entertaining and rather insightful.

I haven't had a chance to read all the chapters yet but I can't wait to. The topics are so interesting (Teaching through Supernatural, The Monstrous Male Body, SPN and the Forth Wall, Building the Supernatural Family and Richard Speight's chapter - The Pros of Cons).

The book is now available at Amazon :DD (Or at Amazon, UK

There's also a lovely review on the book here at Entertainment Junkies (including some stuff on my chapter, which has had me grinning like a loon).

Ok. I'll get off of cloud nine soon.

fan phenomena

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