
Nov 06, 2009 20:58

A while back I got an email from my lovely YT friend saying there was an episode coming up called Changing Channels. My heart skipped a little beat, but I though yeah, it will be about channeling spirits or something. Then I saw the preview and SQUEED LOUDLY when I saw that it was going to be something about the boys living in various TV episodes.

I have just finished watching it and now I am in serious flail mode because HOLY CRAP!

You know, they picked a lots of genres I had.. but really it was Knight Rider that just made me die from being Kripked! (How much do I wish I had had Dean in the driver's seat!!) Sam as KITT is probably my all time favourite thing EVER!

And damn Dean for saying channel surfing and not channel hopping!! (though I was squeeing when I saw he was watching a hospital drama).

You'll just have to excuse me for being in some sort of fangirl nirvana at the moment, but that's the closest I'll ever get to having an idea that the show actually made. (And if you are reading this and have no idea what I'm ranting on about - I mean this).

And aside from all that, the episode was amazing. There were times when I wanted to weep:

"Do you think your mother and father would be still alive if Sam wasn't born?" "Yes". *meep*

But then there was also:

Sam operating on Dean!! (why does that fill me with ridiculous glee!) And stitches with dental floss!!

Dean eye fucking Dr. Sexy. (He so had the hots for that guy!)

SAM AND DEAN ON A TANDEM BIKE!! (Maybe I can make that "Butch Cassidy & The Sundance Kid" vid I've been wanting to make!).

That whole opening montage. <3 OMG! That song!!....(someone will vid that won't they?!!)

CSI BOYS!!! *dies* so completely. Adored that section! They looked like they were having a ball!

Dean rummaging around in Sam's trunk. *faints*

Nice rims!! (I know - brain was totally going there tonight!).

So much more but my brain is still in exploded mode.

*hugs* And thanks to those who have said that that episode was a tribute to my vid. I doubt that the writing team or Kripke would have actually seen it but I can still be chuffed that I thought of it first! \o/

s5 episode reaction

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