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jessm78 April 23 2014, 16:07:44 UTC
Oh, yes, same here!! I love the old school feel so much.

I also loved how we got some more character growth for Jody. I really like her character and I was glad that they addressed what she'd been through.

I know what you mean, I was also afraid she'd be killed. The only one I've seen saying bad things about Sam were a couple Dean/Destiel fans bashing him for what he said to Dean at the end - but those fans are gonna bitch no matter what. Sam could sneeze and they'd bitch about it, lol

It's become more obvious how difficult it is to show Dean being dark because nothing that we are seeing at the moment is much different than what we've seen before. It harkens back the way he was in Season 2 after John died.

Very good point. I felt like I was almost having flashbacks to Bloodlust for a little while there, especially that scene where Dean killed the vamp to save Gordon, appeared to be reveling in it while Sam stared at him unnerved. I'm wondering if they made it lame purposely to really hit us with it hard a bit later on. Not sure, but something I was just pondering. Like you I'm not too optimistic given the way he retold Sam's needing a normal life.

Jody and Alex the new Ellen and Jo? Ooh, very interesting. I sorta got a vibe like that at the end, too.

I know I'm biased but having an episode that didn't involve either angels or demons allows the universe to be less...er...murky.

Oh, gosh, YES!

It's tricky because on the face of it, it looks like being loyal to your family doesn't mean you can't kill them.

That actually kinda creeps me out a little when thinking of it in terms of Dean and Sam. I'd hate for it to be some sort of foreshadowing that Dean would end up killing Sam. Ugh, like you I don't want to contemplate it too much. I'd hate to see them basically pick up that premise from season 5. While I don't think Dean would succeed in killing Sam (at least I'd really hope not - though if he did Sam has to come back for next season somehow) the act of trying would be awful. *sigh*


ash48 April 24 2014, 01:31:55 UTC
The only one I've seen saying bad things about Sam were a couple Dean/Destiel fans bashing him for what he said to Dean at the end - but those fans are gonna bitch no matter what. Sam could sneeze and they'd bitch about it, lol

Yeah. I've long ago accept that. I think after that last horrid vilification of Sam by fandom I've become a tad sensitive to what will happen to make them to day again.

I'm wondering if they made it lame purposely to really hit us with it hard a bit later on. Not sure, but something I was just pondering.

Hee...I'm sure we are going to be hit with it pretty hard later on. This isn't going anywhere good I don't think.

I'd hate for it to be some sort of foreshadowing that Dean would end up killing Sam.

Yeah, it would be pretty horrid. I doubt we'd have another Sam death at the end of the episode. Maybe a Dean death, but that would be horrible also. If Sam kills Dean for some reason we'd NEVER hear the end of it. I don't even want to contemplate it...lalalalala...


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