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killabeez April 23 2014, 13:37:37 UTC
In the interests of cheering you up, I will share with you a thing my dash just did, because, yes.


ash48 April 23 2014, 13:49:09 UTC
Is cheered!! Oh their faces... <3333333

Thank you! (I get so happy when my dash gets filled with Musketeers. I found a couple of great blogs to follow and they fill me with happiness!)


killabeez April 23 2014, 14:12:30 UTC

I haven't watched 9.19, and I was going to hold off, but then I saw a gif that showed Sam winking and he might be winking at Jody and I might have to watch this for reasons...


ash48 April 23 2014, 14:37:03 UTC
Not sure how spoiled you want to be but there's (sadly) little specific Sam and Jody interaction (I was secretly hoping Sam might get a few things off his chest by having a heart to heart with her, but alas...). There is, however, a delightful Sam, Dean and Jody moment at the beginning . And just seeing Jody is worth the price of the admission. She's very awesome. Though I'm curious about the wink...can't recall it so it might well have been at Jody! :))


ash48 April 23 2014, 15:56:55 UTC
Oh yes yes! I just saw the wink gif! How did I miss that?!! I love his winks! (and it looks like it was at Jody! I gotta re-watch!)


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