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cassiopeia7 April 23 2014, 13:06:32 UTC
While I was not thrilled with the way characters were repeatedly made to act less than intelligent in the name of plot advancement, overall, you've hit my feelings on the head with this:

Any episode that feels old school is going to get the thumbs up from me. It also helped that: Jody not only appeared but was given some genuine character growth, it was a MoTW episode, it had a good helping of Sam and Dean and there was not an angel or demon in sight. It looked great, the acting was solid and even though there wasn't a lot of the major story arc in there, it touched on it enough to be satisfying.

Yes. Old-school hunts, vamps, a reference to Samuel Campbell's vamp cure, a loose reference to Gordon Walker, yup, Show definitely returned to its roots with this one. First episode in a long while where I didn't catch myself longing wistfully for "the old days." ;)

I feel we are heading toward a conflict that will require one brother to kill the other (Cain/Able Michael/Lucifer comparisons) and that's going to be very intense and possibly depressing.

Oh yeah. That's my conclusion, also. But while Michael was supposed to kill Lucifer, it didn't happen. Cain, on the other hand, did kill Abel. This finale is going to HURT.


ash48 April 23 2014, 13:18:29 UTC
While I was not thrilled with the way characters were repeatedly made to act less than intelligent in the name of plot advancement,

Hee, yes. I always think if characters were clever (and didn't go into that dark room!) we'd never have a climax. It also amazes me how many times Sam and Dean get caught or surprised by the baddie and survive. Plus - their poor heads.

First episode in a long while where I didn't catch myself longing wistfully for "the old days." ;)

It's a nice feeling. Though, curiously, seeing some reactions around the place I think people want all the heart ripping pain and myth arc angst. I must be weak! I loved that I could wallow in a MoTW story.

That's my conclusion, also. But while Michael was supposed to kill Lucifer, it didn't happen. Cain, on the other hand, did kill Abel. This finale is going to HURT.

It's gonna hurt like hell! I am at once excited and scared to death. *clings*


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