9.17 ep reaction/review

Mar 27, 2014 23:39

This is a little later than usual. I watched the episode and then had to go out (argh...on a show night!). I had lots of thoughts about it and I wanted to make some gifs and use some caps, so I waited until I could gather that altogether.

the plot thickens... )

gifs, picspam, s9 reaction

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suebsg9 March 27 2014, 16:18:10 UTC
Sam has his tattoo when cas healed him when he was taking out the last of gadreel he put sam's tattoo on so no one will be able to get inside sam. I think the last part of the season is going to be about dean and the blade. And hopefully the boys reconciling. Dean may see a suicide mission killing abaddon and maybe then he will tell sam what he wants to hear. I have watched both phone conversations and the first one that sam had with dean was telling with how quick and abrupt dean was and you look at sam's expression been a long time since we seen that look. And then the second one at the bar was telling when sam wanted dean there with him to hunt but I think with the way crowley said how dean and cain got along they were both killers scares dean. and who could blame him i mean he kills things that need to die and its going to be intresting the next time he picks up the blade and misha did a great job directing. bravo.


ash48 March 27 2014, 16:26:06 UTC
Yeah, I heard that the tattoo is actually still there (even though we haven't had physical confirmation). I'd be surprised if he's possessed again (unless it's by gadreel somehow. May once saying "yes" is always yes...). But yeah, I think there's something else afoot. Something I actually hope none of us imagine, but is awesome anyway!

And yes to everything else. Sam is scared for Dean and he sure does want him by his side. Even when he was pissed with him he knew they made a great team (even soulless!Sam knew that).

Can't wait to see how this plays out.


de_nugis March 27 2014, 16:35:04 UTC
Castiel had to get a second Yes out of Jimmy, and the Tahmoh Gadreel vessel (I wish they'd just give us his name) said Yes again before Gadreel repossessed him, so I think we can be confident that a new Yes is required for an angel to reenter a vessel (though maybe if they get around consent the first time the consent basis is forever flawed . . . ). It's always possible they could create a situation where for some reason Sam felt he had to allow Gadreel back in, maybe to save Dean somehow. I really, really hope that they won't have Sam go the route of any violation of Dean's autonomy to save Dean, because I think that principle is important, but Sam being willing to sacrifice his own could be effective ( ... )


ash48 March 27 2014, 16:45:28 UTC
I really, really hope that they won't have Sam go the route of any violation of Dean's autonomy to save Dean, because I think that principle is important, but Sam being willing to sacrifice his own could be effective.

Out of everything..EVERYTHING..I do not want them to make Sam a hypocrite by going back on his words that he would not resurrect Dean in the same way Dean resurrected Sam. There has GOT to be a lesson in that. Surely. I like the idea that Sam has to do something - but that he refuses to cross that line. Sacrifice himself for sure - that's very Sam, but not cross that very line the first half of the season seemed to be about.

I agree that Dean getting possessed is more likely than it happening to Sam. But to be honest, I think it will have to be very well handled for it not to end up being a bit ho hum. We are so used to these possessions by now. I think it would be more interesting if they did something else with that (though Abaddon inside Dean would be crazy hot...;D)

But I DON'T think that Sam will get more ( ... )


de_nugis March 27 2014, 16:53:21 UTC
Yeah. If the writers aren't clear that "Same circumstances, I wouldn't" is a GOOD THING and "I'd do it again" is one of the most chilling lines on Spn, we have problems. I have enough difficulty with the fandom, I can't take it from canon!


quickreaver March 27 2014, 19:02:27 UTC
x two katrillion-bazillion. Squared.


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