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ash48 March 6 2014, 13:58:33 UTC
How they felt for both Ghostfacers more and more and so developed more.. idk.. compassion for each other in the process. Not on the surface, but inside.

Yes. I think much of this episode was also about them seeing their own situation mirrored and maybe getting a better understanding of things. It might not be until the next couple of episodes that we see how much they have learned - but I felt it was a step in the right direction at least. :)

I personally don't quite understand why everyone says often that we get so little of Sam's point of view. We get his looks, moments, and his general attitude that shows how he feels. His silence often speaks quite loudly to me.

It's true that Sam has little moments to let us know what's happening. I think it's more that we don't always get the camera stay on Sam long enough to make it really clear what's going on in his head (especially in the last few episodes). Like following Dean into his room so we could see how hardened he was becoming but we are left to guess what might be going on in Sam's head (in the last episode). It didn't cross my mind that Dean keeping secrets was the big thing that was worrying Sam - until this episode (I thought it was all the other stuff that was the big deal for Sam). We've had some little moments to see how cut up he is about Kevin - but nothing about how he feels about having an angel inside him all that time (which makes me think it's just not an issue for the Show).


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ash48 March 7 2014, 01:18:10 UTC
I was content with just filling Sam's not-explained emotions with my own interpretation/feelings because I can relate so much with an older sibling "stealing the show" all the time.

Indeed! I know what you mean. Unfortunately though Sam's ambiguity has meant for a lot of hate (and seriously, I still can't believe the stuff I come across. Even in that episode Sam has been referred to as an asshole because he can't just forgive Dean for "saving his life". It makes me weep. Frustration over the storyline I get, but refusing to see Sam's side of it all makes me sad. I have mentioned I'm a touch over invested in this show yes? ;D) Personally, I have no problems whatsoever seeing Sam's side of the story. But even after an episode as blatant as this fans are still struggling to get where Sam is coming from - so yeah, I think the lack of pov has effected the way people feel about him. And I think this has been deliberately done by Carver. He needs the drama. :/

I do miss the early days sometimes where the story frame was kind of simple and easy to understand.

Oh me too. It's just so complicated now and I'm seeing that people can bring in all sorts of "evidence" to support their arguments because there's just so much history. But I don't think the show does that sort of digging. They just present the story that suits them at the time and we're left trying to see how it fits into the overall character arc. Often going in directions the show hasn't intended. It's why I think the non-con possession is low on their list of reasons why Sam is upset. It shouldn't be, but I think the resulting secret (and probably removing Sam's choice) are at the very top for Sam. But I'm happy to be wrong about that. :)



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ash48 March 7 2014, 09:42:30 UTC
ha! Indeed. I've just very VERY lucky I have an awesome flist who aren't hateful and help me enjoy it even with some of the hate out there.



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