9.14 Ep reaction/review

Feb 26, 2014 21:34

I may need to sit on this episode for a while. Mull it over a bit (as ya do). I think there was some interesting stuff in there, it's just that I came off it feeling much like the boys did. Lack lustre and sad. There's no doubt it's difficult to watch when there's such a rift between them.

Seeing Kevin again was no surprise. Death doesn't mean you're off the show after all. :) I was pleased that at least he had a purpose for being there and I'm seriously glad they resolved the storyline with Mrs T. But wow - tortured for a year? Man, this show can be so cruel.

It was nice to see Mrs Tran again. I'm really glad the fact she was mentioned early in the season led somewhere. Though making Sam out to be stupid by not knowing which wires to cut in order to make her look kickass was cheap. Wasn't Sam a handyman when Dean was in Purgatory? And isn't like some sort of brainiac? He'd know all about wiring….sheesh.

The angel story line doesn't particularly interest me but I did like Cas's development. Becoming a different kind of leader than he was before makes some sense and isn't unexpected. He'll no doubt lead the charge to restore heaven. We're beginning to see a confident, competent and compassionate Cas - which I rather like. I wonder if he'll ever stop looking puzzled though?

And I can't help feel sorry for all those vessels. The human collateral. :(

Ok. So I gotta talk about SamnDean.

I have to admit I was feeling a little deflated by the end of the episode. I liked that Sam is still rightly pissed and walked away but this episode gave us a pretty clear indication that it's Sam who holds this relationship to ransom and therefore he's the one who'll have to approach Dean and say sorry and forgive him. That continues to worry me and I will be bitterly disappointed if it's resolved this way. That's not to say I want to continue to watch them like this. It's bloody depressing. I've never felt less joy watching an episode before. The last time I felt this down about them being together was after their reunion in S8. Just being together for the sake of it. *sniff*

As much as Kevin's speech made me want to say "yes yes"and slap them both upside the head it would be terribly disappointing if this is all resolved by Sam instantly forgiving Dean or Sam saying sorry for being pissed at him. If they have opened this huge can of worms I can only hope they deal it with the satisfactorily.

There was something that gave me a little bit of hope though (or it might be despair, depending which way it plays out).

Mrs Tran talked about Kevin being her responsibility and it was her right to take her son with her, even if it meant it could turn bad for Kevin. She said it was her responsibility to keep him safe. I felt this was directly related to how Dean feels about Sam. It's his right to keep Sam safe and so he'll do what he has to do.

This depressed me at first because I thought this could be vindicating Dean's actions. Mrs Tran and Kevin were the happy picture of "family" and the message seemed to be - if you have a responsibility it's ok to make choices that could turn bad.

But now I wonder if maybe this is being set up for a future episode where Kevin does actually begin to change and suffer and Mrs Tran has to make a choice about letting him go? Will Dean be the one to convince her to let Kevin go and maybe begin to understand what letting go and holding on means? Probably not - but I'm hoping there's something more here than Mrs Tran and Kevin ascending the stairs to a "perfect" family life (well, as perfect as a ghost and human sharing a life can be).

Either way, I'm sure we'll see Kevin and Mrs T again.

But wow. How so depressing Show… :( I love the angst but without the fire it's just plain sadness.

Other than that….

I did love that both boys were yelling for each other when the ghost activity started. No matter what personal issues are between them they still care very much about what happens to the other. And Sam saved Dean. A small, unsung moment but it was there. (\o/)

At the end it was nice that we saw that moment of hesitation from Sam as he came to his room - it would have been even nicer to have been able to go inside with him. How interesting it might have been to be able to share his pain for a moment. As usual we get to share Dean's and it was interesting how hardened he looked. It wasn't a sadness, but rather a determination to not approach Sam on the matter either. Sam made it clear it's not going to be resolved by simply "moving on" and Dean was honouring that.

The boys looked weary. Shaving is clearly too much of a chore when you're fighting your brother. ;)

I was strangely unmoved by Dean's apology to Kevin. I'm not sure why. It might be because I get that Dean is gutted by what happened but instead of saying sorry I want to see him understand things on a deeper level and really work out what he has to be sorry for. But…*shrugs*…I'm not sure how they're going to be playing that out. I just have to be patient I think.

Both boys were in tight shirts in the beginning. I think we have to appreciate what's really important in this episode. ;) And Sam with a sword = *guh* (though, um… sword vs ghost? Lead sword maybe?)

It's always great to have show back, but boy I look forward to feeling joy after watching an episode rather than sadness.

(I have comments to answer on my recent post but I've run out of time tonight. Thanks for your interesting thoughts though. I swear I will let this go. One day.)

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