Teen Wolf

Jan 28, 2014 23:30

Yes! I have Teen Wolf in the subject and not Supernatural because..dammit Teen Wolf ( Read more... )

teen wolf, supernatural, tv

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niennah January 28 2014, 14:03:02 UTC
I'm not a huge Teen Wolf fan but I do try to follow it and I totally agree, the mythology and storyline are often really confusing! I'm glad it's not just me who thinks that tbh. At the end of an episode, I generally haven't a hope of explaining how it forwarded the plot. I can't quite put my finger on why it's so fuzzy, either. Maybe they just don't explain things clearly enough for my fuzzy brain? lol.

As for Sterek, well, during last night's ep there was a campaign to tweet "#moresterek" and it trended worldwide. But Jeff Davies is usually very good about telling fans when Derek and Stiles are going to see a lot of each other and when they aren't. He was pretty clear that they wouldn't be sharing a lot of screentime for a good bit of 3b so fans aren't up in arms. I actually think Sterek fans can be pretty good about campaigning for Sterek but in a reasonably calm way. A few hate tweets were sent to an actress who is apparently going to kiss Stiles (or did in last night's ep? haven't seen it yet!) and everyone thought they were from Sterek fans but it turns out they were from Stydia fans. It's not good either way, but at least it's not people rolling their eyes at crazy slash fans again, you know?


ash48 January 28 2014, 14:53:10 UTC

Thanks so much for filling me in. The sterek stuff is interesting because even as a non shipper the lack of screen time has been noticeable. In fact, I'm not sure how any shippers would fare in this show. Lot's of changing about. :)

(ha! And I've just read some stuff on tumblr about the meaning behind the kiss (and dialogue). I won't spoil you but apparently there's an underlying message…;)

the mythology and storyline are often really confusing!

I'm glad it's not just me. It looks like it's just made up as it goes - satisfying the story for each episode. I just can't seem to join the dots...


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