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Comments 23

ancastar October 2 2009, 14:15:16 UTC
I couldn't agree more. This was one of the best eps ever. It gave me just about everything I wanted.

Except the white suit. I really, really didn't want the white suit. ;-)


ash48 October 2 2009, 14:44:34 UTC
Oh yeah. So much to love.

But I wonder what was with that white suit..? I thought it might have been some shout out to past "lucifers" "but I think they've fallen back on a cliche unfortunately. And really they could have done something interesting with the costuming there...

But adored the episode... <3


rhymephile October 2 2009, 14:53:35 UTC
I thought of the suit in that we've never really seen the *most* powerful superbeing before. We've seen demons, who are the pawns in this game and always seem to inhabit poorly-dressed humans; and we've seen Azazel and Alastair, who, although powerful in their own rights can inhabit *any* human. But we've never seen an angel more powerful than all of the Host inhabit a human before. He may be evil, but he's the strongest of anything we've seen. Pure evil, be-suited in pure white.


ash48 October 2 2009, 15:12:56 UTC
I thought of the suit in that we've never really seen the *most* powerful superbeing before.

Yes and I think they were playing on this here. In some ways I think it worked in presenting a very different Sam/Jared, but because white has been used for the Devil before it felt a bit cliched (to me). And I'm trying for the life of me to think were I've seen it before... but it doesn't spring to mind at the moment. I thought it might have been Angel Heart (with Robert De Niro) but I think he wore a black suit... ?

I also think the costume decision came about with how the Show wants to present this Lucifer...a somewhat innocent victim to God's justice. But that's for the meta writers to delve into....



redteekal October 2 2009, 14:16:46 UTC
Dean's face in the icon above....that's seriously my face at the end there. 10 out of 10!!! Jensen you probably cursed Jared and all his time off but man it was WORTH IT DUDE!!! So many scenes, so much dialogue and he damn well rocked it. Plus we all know that he kinda likes wearing pink silk panties. CANON. I really would have liked to have seen Jensen's reaction to that part of his dialogue when he read it the first time. They should like sneak a camera in to the first read through or something.


ash48 October 2 2009, 14:51:09 UTC
Ha! I swear I heard a 1000 fangirls squee when he said they "liked" wearing the panties!!! Canon. \o/ And how much fic will come out about THAT moment in history.....????

And my god! Jared took a holiday in that one (and normally that irks me no end - not always too keen on Dean heavy eps) but Jensen TOTALLY made up for it - the acting was seamless and amazing. Oooh and so was the direction- can't be easy shooting two Deans....


azziria October 2 2009, 15:11:46 UTC
Totally with you about the Dean-heavy episodes (being the Sam-girl I am) but I thought Jensen as double-Dean did an amazing job here - he was like-but-not-like, and it really worked for me (especially the way the two Deans related to one another). And then Jared knocked it out of the park as Lucifer... soooo creepy and yet you could see how he could sound like reason. And then the boys back together!


ash48 October 2 2009, 15:18:16 UTC
Yeah - I'm normally not so much into the all Dean eps (like In The Beginning), but Jensen knocked it out of the park in this.... his "older" Dean was totally convincing I thought. I loved it.

And Jared...*happy sigh* It's strange that he wasn't in this much but it felt like he was. Powerful performance.



emeraldsedai October 2 2009, 18:14:13 UTC
I was deeply impressed with Jensen's older-self acting. Harder, deeper voice, even noticeably more mouth-lines (that could've been makeup rather than acting, I guess, huh?) and subtle changes in how he moved and held himself. It was awesome.

Yeah, it was a great episode from start to finish and I can hardly wait for the next one.


ash48 October 3 2009, 04:30:36 UTC
and subtle changes in how he moved and held himself

I know. I just love the way he embodied that older self - so in control and strong. He had none of the doubts present day Dean has. It was quite remarkable.

Next one! \o/


(The comment has been removed)

davincis_girl October 2 2009, 22:44:55 UTC
I loved this thing.
I thought of the white suit as a shout out to "Lu" on Constantine.


ash48 October 3 2009, 04:36:00 UTC
I thought of the white suit as a shout out to "Lu" on Constantine.

Ah yes! That might be the one I'm thinking about... Also I think just seeing evil represented in white so often...

Great ep! :)


ash48 October 3 2009, 04:33:25 UTC

Actually I have watched that opening scene 4 times. I loved it. Sam needing his big bro, and Dean really trying to do the best for his little bro but.... *sigh*

And the end. *happy, happy sigh*



varkelton October 3 2009, 01:26:46 UTC
I'm a total Sam!girl, but I can totally believe that if Dean abandoned him, Sam would have lost himself to Lucifer eventually, so even though my love for Dean is pretty epic, the last several episodes have been hard to watch. But last night? Last night ROCKED!!!! Even though I wanted to throttle Dean in the beginning. But then, he admitted he was wrong! \o/\o/\o/ So much love!!! ::cuddles them::


ash48 October 3 2009, 04:38:10 UTC
I know. So much love for this one... and actually I could see where Dean was coming from in the beginning, but yeah I've been wanting to throttle a bit in those last few episodes..

I knew they would eventually get back together... I'm so pleased with the way they actually did it. \o/


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